Jesus Came For the Lowly

Greetings sisters!
We are thankful to have made it to our next destination and have already had chances to witness.  In one instance there was a beggar on the corner and so we stopped and went around the block to go back and talk to them.  We never give money but we do give food and the gospel along with a phone number to help them get off the streets if they are interested.  (In the many years we have been doing this, we've only gotten one call and that was them asking for money.)  Let the Word go out and seeds be planted!

It made me think of how Jesus didn't come for the righteous, he came for the sick, the sinners, the lowly...

But their scribes and Pharisees murmured against his disciples, saying, Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners? And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
(Luke 5:30-32)

I've talked about how we stand outside religious places and hold gospel signs waiting to help a sheep out of the wolf pen of man made religion.  Oftentimes what we see are like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, acting like they are holy yet scorning God's people who bring the truth.  We see that on the streets when people walk by saying 'Oh I love Jesus', or 'I'm good, I got God' etc...  

Jesus came for the other people we see.  The ones that come up to us that have a hint of last nights booze on their breath and they are heading to the bar again tonight.  The ones that have long stringy hair, and a very unique way of looking at life.  The ones that push brooms, clean restrooms and collect aluminum cans.  The ones that don't always smell good, are missing teeth and live under a bridge. The ones driving around in a beat up car looking for answers in life.  And others of that sort. Those are the ones that come up to us to talk about the things of God, with an openness and willingness to listen, seeing through this world and it's trappings as the 'so called Christians' walk by and sneer at us.

He came for the lowly of heart.

And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:  Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.  The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.  I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.  I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
(Luke 18:9-14)

Oftentimes when talking to these people, they see through the man made religious system and the hypocrites that participate in them.  They agree with the hard things of God's Word, they know He is a God to be reckoned with one day and they know they are in sin.  In fact we just recently had a conversation with a man and his wife.  They drove up to our van and the man got out to talk to brother Jim because he saw the gospel signs on it.  He was holding a beer in his hand but was not drunk, it was early in the day and not too much longer his wife got out and joined us.  Throughout the conversation between brother Jim and this man, this woman interjected that she agreed with much of what was being said and boasted about how much she knew.  She ratted out her husband on how much he drinks and was claiming how much she reads the bible.  It was a classic case of the Pharisee and the publican.  (I will note here that she was not a biblically dressed / covered, submissive, quiet woman.)  The man on the other hand confessed many of his sins, realized the cost and had much more biblical knowledge than most professed Christians. He continued to talk for quite some time and when he left, he thanked brother Jim and said he was going to go think about it all.  

A couple years ago Jim was witnessing to a Mennonite man. We had just finished doing a carving job and our clothes looked like we just got done working.  It was over 100 degrees and we were in the sun.  As brother Jim was talking to him about the things of God, asking him why they keep false, man made traditions the man said 'You should go to Walmart and witness there!'  Let me note here that this man was impeccably dressed and when we went to stand outside their building the next day after their service for brother Jim to speak to the rest of the men, they were all spotlessly perfect in their expensive clothing.  They mocked and ridiculed not only the truth being shared with them but us believers bringing it to them.
(Mennonites have many theology issues that are not biblical and will lead people down the wide road to destruction.  The purpose of this post is not to go into those details but to use this as a learning experience.)

There was another instance where we were standing outside a religious building holding gospel signs and some of the men came out by brother Jim and told him to go clean himself up.  These were clean shaven men in perfectly ironed 'Sunday church' clothing with slicked back hair. Brother Jim has a bushy beard and we wear simple, plain, big and baggy clothing (as per instructed in God's Word.)

It's amazing to see the downtrodden, the unusual types, what the world calls 'black sheep', the 'last person you would think of'...wanting to talk bout God and his truth.  They are the ones the world laughs or sneers at, just like they do the Christians.  

It makes me think of the lepers of Jesus day.  They, back then, were like the people I'm talking about today.  The ones where your flesh hesitates to shake their hands but out of love of mankind, you do.  Giving a hug to a harlot dressed woman, driving a beat up car with half flat tires, telling her there is hope.  Sitting at the table of the man that hasn't bathed in weeks or even months, while he eats a meal you bought him and admits his sins, then shares the scriptures that he was taught by someone in his family.  

For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted. Then said he also to him that bade him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours; lest they also bid thee again, and a recompence be made thee. But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

(Luke 14:11-14)

I share this because when we are out in the world, we see what most people don't because we live alongside them now.  We don't have our life in one spot and this enables us to be mobile, being led by the Holy Spirit to see this 'underbelly world' (as brother Jim calls it) and reach out to them.  

I'm not saying that all other people reject the truth, but we see the percentage of humbleness leans greatly on the side of the ostracized and broken ones of society. 

It's a humbling thing to see a man with many sins admit it and show a fear of God in comparison to the thousands and thousands of 'professed Christians' 'going to church' on Sunday that show no fear.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. (Proverbs 9:10)

A brother in the Lord just sent us Psalm 37 this morning (how awesome is God's timing) and and I wanted to break some of it down and share it with you.

vs 12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.

It's amazing because most people would look at the lowly people as the wicked but it's the lofty 'professed believers' that plot against God's workers and they get so angry they literally gnash their teeth at us.

vs 13 - 15  is a warning for them:

The Lord shall laugh at him; for He seeth that his day is coming.  The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. 

And then it gives encouragement to continue on....

vs 16-18
A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.  For the arms of the wicked shall be broken; but the Lord upholdeth the righteous. The Lord knoweth the days of the upright and their inheritance shall be forever.  


Praise the Lord!

Let us have eyes to see the truth and hearts to share it.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...