A Day In the Life (March 17, 2021
Good evening sister saints! I thought I'd share some gifts that were given to me from some saints, as I know you will appreciate them also. (Scripture pictures and a video.) And I give you the best gift...the GOSPEL . Last night brother Jim saw a homeless man digging through the donation box with a woman sorting through it all. He was in the box tossing it out to her. He crawled through the little chute to get inside inside the box! Brother Jim walked over to see if he needed something and the man, looking out from inside the box, out the chute, told him he was okay. Brother Jim handed him a gospel card through the chute and shared it with him. The man said he was going to clean up the mess he was making but he didn't. Maybe he will read the gospel card and go to the Lord and repent of all his sins and cry out for new life. And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. (Matthew 3:2) There was a big mess left this morning. Brother Jim ma...