Avoiding Unbiblical Blogs and Websites
Good evening sister saints! Are you striving on in the Lord? Are you battling the flesh and resisting satan? I hope you say yes to all those and continue to press on as we are now one day closer to going home to be with the Lord, if we continue in the faith until the end! I may have written a warning here on the sisters blog about being careful with what blogs / websites you follow but either way it's good to have a reminder and HERE is a post about how to test teachers. I don't normally post about false teachers here on the sisters blog (I have warned you about some) but I feel this one is warranted because she is so popular and sweeping away many women with her false teachings. The Transformed Wife by Lori Alexander, you can see her testing HERE . In fact we've received emails encouraging us to overlook her many sins, of which we won't as scripture teaches us to expose them. I know, some of you are going to say ' But ...