Trust and Promises
Good evening sister saints! How has your day been? We did some travel again today, heading south and then eastward but before we did, we had to do some pondering and praying as this is a new direction for us. We are leaving what we know as comfortable (many of the states that we are very familiar with) and heading into states that we've never spent time in, as folowers of Christ, in the van life. This requires us to kill our flesh and learn to trust in the Lord for our direction and guidance, just as He promises. We were talking about how this is good for us as it kills flesh and reminds us that He is in charge and we are just here to do our good works unto Him. Trust is something I have grown in over the past many years. I remember when we first started talking about going on the road, way back before we even did, and I had fear. Fear of leaving behind the comfort and security of our homestead but I cast that down in shame and asked the Lord to chang...