Keeping Ourselves Pure
Good evening sisters in Christ! I hope your day is well in the Lord! Today I want to talk about keeping ourselves pure (as we see we are to keep ourselves unspotted in James 1) in the sense of living in the world but not of it. I thought I'd share part of an email that I sent a younger sister, then expound on it. The goal of this article is to encourage you sisters to have characters of purity, even as we walk through this wicked world. **************************************** "You mentioned being pure for Christ and yes, we should all strive for that, amen sister! We also have to realize and understand that what the world does, does not defile us as long as we don't participate in it. Us being out in the streets dealing with the vileness, profanity, hypocrisy of claimed Christians, immodesty, worldly music, demonic activity, ungodly conversations etc day in and day out do not defile us and we remain pure. The brothers and sisters around the wor...