Let Them Laugh
Good evening sister saints who are striving in all truth:-) "Let them laugh"...we heard those words the other day. We were out witnessing and brother Jim was preaching about the wrath of God and some wiccan looking teens walked by laughing. An older man and woman walked by and said 'Let them laugh' took a gospel card and thanked us. It made me think about all the ways we saints of God get laughed at. I'll share some that happened in the last several days and then some that fit us godly women. * Several groups of Anabaptists (Amish and Charity looking) walked by and laughed at the preaching of God's Word. * A man walked by making the hand mocking signal and laughed. * A man yelled out calling himself a moron, laughing about it while the Word was being preached. * A woman sat down behind us while brother Jim as preaching and soon got up, swearing at us and walked off dancing and laughing. * A woman drove by us on the road, giving us a horrified mocking face ...