We Still Have Freedom

Greetings sisters in Christ! I pray you are thanking the Lord for this day and are thankful for it! The other night we were parked and heard what sounded like a police radio someplace close to the van. I kept looking out the windows when finally we saw the car right in front of us, working on someone else's vehicle. Apparently the man had locked himself out and the police helped him get back in because not long after he was driving off down the road. Brother Jim and I were thankful that the police weren't there for us as there are many who hate the truth of God's word and call the police on us for no reason. There have been times that we have been accused of chasing people down the street or running up to vehicles, which is not true as we record all our witnessing for just that purpose. We are thankful to be free! As this world continues to spiral into greater darkness, we here in America (other places as well) are losing our freedom...