
Showing posts with the label Witnessing Stories

The Gospel Going Out, Plant Based Milk and Edging a Log

 Good evening sister saints! I hope you are all well today? We are rejoicing that the gospel went out in many ways today during our trip to town. Brother James will have a story to share about a worldly man receiving the gospel while his Mennonite co-worker got upset and didn't want to hear it.  He also was able to share many gospel cards in the hardware / home good store.  I ran into a bulk food store to get some cinnamon (and found a great deal on some colored peppers, yay!) and when I walked in, a young Mennonite woman who was working there said 'Hi'.  I'm not used to being greeting in such a nice manner from them and hoped to have her check me out so I could give her a gospel card.  Well, she was the one and when I was done, I gave her an anabaptist card and told her it was good news.  She took it, looked at it and said "I will appreciate this".  The funny thing is, this morning i woke up thinking about stopping there and in the end, they didn't ev...

A Day in the Life (Jan 20, 2022)

 Good evening sister saints! "We gotta keep pushing on"!  Brother James just said that in reference to getting everything done here on the homestead as time is running short.  Speaking of I'm going to borrow a sisters picture that she made of an awesome sunset that God created... She said that was in a matter of minutes and I mentioned that it shows us how fast time goes and reminds us to redeem the time and we gotta keep pushing on. But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.   2 Peter 3:8  Some day, if we endure in the faith until the end, we won't have to worry about time and we will 'be' doing the will of the Father for eternity!  What an awesome hope that is set before us.  Another sister sent this picture of the sunset that God let her see and I added the verse for her. We had ice on the windows this morning but it was cozy warm because the lil woodstove...

How Are You Today?

Greetings sister saints! How are you today?  There's a story behind the title and I'll share it with you.   First I'll thank the Lord for another day to serve Him and to share His precious truth! I love that, praising God and I like that flower too...thank you sister for the scripture pictures they are beautiful and filled with the precious word!   Amen, the pure in heart are the ones who are seeking all truth, not those who are only looking for some so that they can keep their sins.   God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.   John 4:24  Amen, He is plenteous in mercy and truth. Sisters were talking about how God was long suffering and patient with us in our sins, it's our reasonable service for us to suffer through being around the sins of others while He is long suffering with them as well.  We are here to shine the light of Christ in among those who need it as so it's just our reasonable ser...

Being Zealous not Anxious

Hello sister saints who love the Lord..  Brother James and I were looking through some of his old pictures and videos on his phone (as he was cleaning it out from months and months ago lol) and I saw this picture... I told brother James 'I can't wait to get back out there and give the gospel out again!"    Then I said 'I don't like those words, 'can't wait' because I can wait and I'm not anxious because I'm joyful to have this day before us, but how can i say that rightly?'   He said 'zealous not anxious'.    That's it!  Zealous! Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.   Titus 2:14  Burning with zeal, I love that!!!!! The Lord has given brother James and I a burning zeal to share His precious truth and we have to control that in the right time and right place because it's all in His timing.  And as I was working on this post, I had ...

A Day in the Life

Good day sister saints! Praises to our heavenly Father for one more day of His grace and mercy and the hope of eternal life for those who are His. We live this life for the Lord, not for ourselves and to see how good we can make our lives. We're here to glorify God through our transformed life be His witness to the world.  We sisters are always encouraging one another to keep pressing on in our duties and godly, holy women and just doing that is a great shining light of truth to those around us.  Then when we share the GOSPEL and plant seeds with others, that's even more truth shining in a dark place.   Several years ago I wrote about the attributes of a godly woman and thought I would repost them here again (as I think I have in the past) but it's good for us to remind ourselves.  Gracious : kindness, favor (Proverbs 11:16)   Virtuous : valor, strength, able, might(Proverbs 12:4) Sober : to make of sound mind, to discipline/correct (Titus 2:4) Chaste : pr...