Christian Hypocrites

Greetings sisters in Christ! I pray you are striving in obedience and truth! Obedience and truth are so rare today in so called 'professed' Christians and we are seeing the ramifications of that of which satan is having a field day. Brother Jim will often ask a seeker " How many people do you know that go to church but live just like everyone else in the world? " Most people answer " Everyone ." Brother Jim asks them what that is called and most get it right, a ' hypocrite '. Today I want to talk about 'Christian Hypocrites'. I recall a time before I was a new creation in Christ that I was a bartender. (A typical partying bartender.) One night as I was leaving after a shift at 2am, I turned down offers to go party the rest of the night because I had to get up to teach Sunday school. Everyone laughed me out of the bar and I never forgot it. (It was actually a seed and a turning point in my life. Glory to God, even in the middle o...