Guidelines for Godly Women Teaching Other Women
Greetings sisters in Christ! We received a question from a sister saint and brother Jim said I should share it here on the blog for all to be edified. The question was in reference to how much can a godly woman share with another woman who is seeking truth? We all know that women are not to be teaching doctrine outside women's topics (read an article on that HERE ) but there are many areas for women that can be taught. See Titus 2 (homemaking, loving husband, children etc) 1 Peter 3 (godly attributes), 1 Timothy 2 (dress and demeanor), 1 Corinthians 11 (headcovering), Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3 (submission) and of course other areas that pertain to the nature of women. There are a few scenarios that must be discerned before going ahead and teaching a seeking woman these topics. First of all I will say that our website is available 24/7 as a resource for anyone seeking truth in any area (not just women's topics), under which is brother...