Guidelines for Godly Women Teaching Other Women

 Greetings sisters in Christ!

We received a question from a sister saint and brother Jim said I should share it here on the blog for all to be edified.  The question was in reference to how much can a godly woman share with another woman who is seeking truth?  We all know that women are not to be teaching doctrine outside women's topics (read an article on that HEREbut there are many areas for women that can be taught.  See Titus 2 (homemaking, loving husband, children etc) 1 Peter 3 (godly attributes), 1 Timothy 2 (dress and demeanor), 1 Corinthians 11 (headcovering), Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3 (submission) and of course other areas that pertain to the nature of women.  There are a few scenarios that must be discerned before going ahead and teaching a seeking woman these topics.

First of all I will say that our website is available 24/7 as a resource for anyone seeking truth in any area (not just women's topics), under which is brother Jim's teaching blog (see that HERE) and my sisters blog with many teaching articles in both.  We encourage all women who are married to 'professed' believers to involve their husbands.  Let's look at the scenarios of women in their married or unmarried states and how we sister saints (who blog and teach women's issues) can deal with them.

* If a woman is not married then she has no biblical headship and can be helped one on one with women's topics by another godly woman.  

* If a woman is married to a believing husband (if he claims to be of Christ) she needs to be under his authority and have him involved in whatever she is learning.  

* If a woman is married to a man that has absolutely nothing to do with claiming to be of Christ, then there is more liberty to help her.

Every time a woman contacts us, we ask if she is married and if her husband claims to be a believer.  If she says he claims Christ (even if he is disobedient to the Word) we encourage her to involve him.  If he does not want to be involved (which is generally the case) she is instructed in 1 Peter 3 to win him without a word, submitting to him and not stepping out from under his headship.  Sometimes, a woman in such cases, will ask a question and instead of us going outside her authority and answering direct, we will answer it on either brother Jim's discernment blog or the sisters blog for all saints or seekers to be edified.

Disclaimer:  I, as a godly woman, and other sisters, post women's topics on our blogs.  We encourage other women to be biblical and involve their husbands if that pertains to them. We are not responsible for who reads the blogs outside their biblical headship.  What I mean is that there may be a woman who has a professed husband that wants nothing to do with her learning things for godly women and she may read the blogs anyway.  It's her situation to be sure she is right before God, her conscience and determine if she's stepping outside God's commands.  We godly women are to continue doing what we do to edify the sister saints and what others do with it, is not our issue.  Let's us be faithful and God will take care of and guide the rest.  

I hope this helps those of you who might have been wondering this same question yourself.  Let us know if we have missed anything and we'll address it for all to learn.

Praise God, I will share that we see people coming out from man made religion, seeing through the man made philisophies and lies of false gospels and some are seeking deeper truth.  Let us continue to pour ourselves out for the saints and the seekers, as a labor of love, until the day the Lord takes us home. 

Strive on sisters and let us know if there is anything else we can post here that will help us all.

Love, blessings and peace to you all.

Sister Deb (with brother Jim overseeing this post)

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