God Gave Me A Rock!!!

Good morning sisters!
I pray your day is joyous in the Lord as we are to remember John 16:33 be of good cheer as our Savior has overcome the world!

Our Father's timing never ceases to amaze me.  A sister and I were talking about edifying things that I could add to the blog and she suggested going over more Titus 2 issues for women.  I mentioned that I would see what I have and add to it, bringing in more examples  in my own life, within my posts.  (I get caught up in my role as being an evangelists wife and all the things that go along with it, I must remember to include my role as Titus 2 and how I can retain and obtain those attributes within this life to encourage you in yours.)  Well, I was given a GREAT example and a prayer answered by the Father, just last night.

Before I go into that I want to share a video I made a couple days ago when we were done witnessing and headed to our mountain camp spot for the night.  We were so joyous to get out of that town at the end of the day and into some peace and quiet.

You can see the street preaching videos of the Farmers Market here: https://www.dontperish.com/witnessing-videos/street-preaching-jackson-hole-farmers-market-wyoming

And the preaching we did around the square the day before:

The next 2 videos are of us leaving the mountain area.
God's creation of mountains, trees, water, and sky breathtaking.  (Of course the videos are not crisp and wide angle like you see with the amazing eye but it's what I can do:-)

We headed out of the beautiful mountains and into the more desolate areas of Wyoming, looking for a BLM camp spot  that I found on the map.  (We are using Bureau of Land Management land to camp on because we are far in between any bigger towns that offer parking in their lots.) 

We got there and drove down a long gravel road, up and down some hills looking for a spot and, praise God, found one on top of a hill. 

Here's a picture I took as we were scouting out our camp spot. The smoke from the wild fires makes the sun radiant but of course the picture didn't capture that.

For those of you who don't know, finding a parking spot in BLM land can be tricky and the terrain can be troublesome at times.  For instance we were taking a dirt road that had some rocks on it and the further we went the bigger the rocks got. Brother Jim backed us up to the other road and on we went. 

(I was asking God for us to have a place level, or close to it but would not complain for any terrain:-)  We were blessed to find one that was level!!! And overlooks a river waaaaaayyyyy down a BIG STEEP hill.  I took some pictures but couldn't capture the depth. Our van nose was parked facing that steep drop off (not too close though) and one of my thoughts was:

"I wonder what would happen if the gear slipped while we were sleeping, would we roll down it even though it's rather flat?"  

I thought about asking brother Jim if we could put some rocks under the tires but then I tossed that idea aside and here's why.

This is a Titus 2 moment in respecting husbands.  See, if I would have brought that up, brother Jim would think I don't respect him enough to trust his judgement.  Instead of causing an issue, I brought it to the Lord and trusted that no matter what happened, it was all in His hands.  Then I let it go and went on with my business of making dinner.

Later on I was given a gift:-)  
Brother Jim said, out of nowhere, 

" I love my wife so much I put a big rock under the tire."

I had a still moment of thanking the Lord and seeing His power.  I was rewarded for not acting in the flesh and instead, thought ahead before saying something, weighing out my words to see what the real outcome would be if I voiced them.  In being obedient in respecting my husband, God honored me and showed me His power of working through my husband.  The longer I go in this life, the more I see that being quiet and thoughtfully using only the words needed, goes much further than most words spoken.

Of course there are times we speak and have no clue that our words cause disrespect but if we open ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, (walking in the Spirit, not flesh Romans 8) we can learn and gain wisdom in this area as we see in James.

1 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
James 1:2-6

God promises us wisdom if we go to Him and we've been shown that over the years haven't we sisters?  We just need to remember that and go without doubting.  That means full out trust in Him!

This concept is not just for wives with husbands, it can be with those we work with, family, parents etc.  We need to always be obedient and trust in the Lord, allowing HIM to work within those people, not us trying to do His work for Him.  (Of course that doesn't mean we never speak, we just need to always think beforehand and ask the Lord to guide us in all situations.)

I've been shown this, many times, over the years but even though I've got years behind me, I forget.  I fail at it but when I do, I don't let satan drag me down on it, I get back up and get going as there is work to do and obedience to be learned.  

One more lesson.  

God's timing.

How timely that the sister and I were just talking about more subjects for godly women, just like this.

Praises to our Father!

I want to share these next two videos as encouragement from brother Jim.

Psalm 8

A video he made for all the saints, everywhere. 

We are leaving this place and heading into a new place today on more BLM land, trusting in the Lord to provide us another parking spot before we get to the town we are heading. Lord willing we will have internet access as I have another story to share with you how the Lord gave me a gift of understanding.

Trust in the Father for all things sisters.  Another Romans 1 example of His creation and power being shown....He makes these flowers grow in a desolate area.

Have a joyous day, singing praises to our Savior for what He has done.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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