
Showing posts with the label Killing Flesh

Killing Comfort and Being Set Free From the Bondage of the Flesh

Greetings Sisters around the world! I pray you are all doing well and keeping that joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7 We must remember this every day, the promises of our Father in Heaven, that we can have peace in our daily lives.  We are now encouraging a brother who is having even more tribulations in his life than he was before, a couple young brothers who are in situations that are less than ideal in their homes and many more stories of believers who are working through their trials but keeping their joy and peace as our Father is greater than all. Since we have arrived at our Missouri homestead I have been wanting to share about killing the comfort of our flesh.  If you are from the U.S. you will agree that most people spend a great deal of time and money trying to appease their flesh in the way of comfort.  (I'm sure many other co