
Showing posts with the label Simplicity

The American Dream vs Simplicity

Greetings sisters, I pray you are all well today.   But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  (Matthew 6:33) The American's something that many American's strive for.  What it entails is generally a big beautiful house, a couple nice cars, maybe a boat or four wheeler in the garage, a vacation in the summer to someplace exotic, a career with a big title with a large paycheck etc.   But along with that comes debt, stress to pay off the debt and no peaceful, quiet time because of having to work all the time to pay off that debt.   Check out this picture.... Most people would drive by that and say ' Wow, look at that, how can anyone live like that? '  But we drive by and say ' That's awesome, they live simple and inexpensive, good for them! ' It's all a matter of perspective and what yours is. I'm not saying everyone should live like that, or in a van and no we