Ever Have One of These Thoughts?

Hello sisters,

This is just a quick post to share a story about a brother in the Lord who was not fully walking in the ways of the Lord but just recently he has been stripped from all things in his life...let me list some of them for you:

He just left a cult.
His wife stayed in the cult and is filing for divorce.
His mother died in the midst of all this.
He lost his job.

This man threw himself at the foot of the cross and repented and is a new man in Christ serving the Lord with a ferver and an urgency to redeem the time.  (Ephesians 5)

Well this brother in the Lord just got a chromebook so that he can start a new blog, preaching the word of God and let's just say that he's had some 'fun' trying to manipulate it and learn the new programs.

I have been able to help him ( in the administrative part) long distance the best I can, but in the meantime he's had a lot of frustrating times yet he presses through!

So brother Jim drew this picture for him:

Haha, I thought it was funny!

I said he shoudl draw one for me me but it would have to have 2 chromebooks, 2 tablets, 2 phones and some random other pieces with a big tangle of cords as that's what I deal with in order to keep our ministry and business running as we travel. I have to do a lot of tech work on our devices and sometimes they test my patience.

Do you ever feel this way sisters? 

But we must be careful and not let our flesh get the best of us.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Let's keep marching on, doing good and faint not.


Have a joyous evening and put that hammer away! :-)

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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