Homemade Memory Game

Hello Sisters!
Praise God for being able to encourage one another.  We have had a full day of 'one anothering' today with saints around the world.  We rejoice that we are able to help each other strive on in the things of God.

I received an email from a sister showing how they are teaching their little girl English words by making a homemade memory game.

For you sisters who are mothers in homeschooling, it's a nice idea and if you have good and godly activities that you are doing with your children, feel free to share and I'd be happy to post it for all to be edified from.

We rejoice to know there are children being trained up in the ways of the Lord and we rejoice to be able to be even a small part of it so thank you for sharing with us older generation:-)

Have a joyous evening sisters.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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