Love is Long Suffering

Good evening sisters!

We have had such a busy day, praise the Lord, both in physical work and ministry!  Tonight, right before bed brother Jim drew this picture for me.

I laughed pretty hard because every single night we go through that.  I pull out our tooth brushes from our velcro department (so that when we are driving they don't fall out) and he asks 'Which one is mine, the blue one?"  
Every. Single. Night.  

Lol, yup and I say 

Every.Single.Night...."the blue one".

Long suffering is love.  

It's when you really want to say things like "I already told you a hundred times', or 'I told you so'  or 'don't you ever listen to me?'  Yes, love is long suffering, it's a choice, not a feeling because if it was feelings we Christians would end up like the world in all sorts of troubles following after the flesh.

It's guarding your words and taking every thought captive for Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) before satan gets ahold of you and makes you think you are perfect and never make a mistake but everyone else does.  It's treating everyone else like you'd like to be treated because you are an imperfect being.  It's realizing that the small things don't matter and you simply roll with it as it goes and don't sweat it.

Beware sisters, satan usually jumps us on the small things because those are the easiest to dismiss or make excuses for bad reactions.  

So if your husband constantly asks 'where is the butter' when it's been in the same spot for the past 15 years, or 'is my tooth brush the blue one', just let it roll off like water on a duck because love is long suffering.  

 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21)

Have a joyous eveing sisters,
love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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