Saving Money Selling Books

Greetings Sisters!

I just wanted to do a quick post to show you a way to make a little money that you may not know about. I have done this for the past several years whenever I was weeding out my (way too large-that I have repented of) cookbook selection and have made some money doing so instead of just sending them back to the resale shop.

Back when I was gathering cookbooks, homesteading books etc, I only bought them used.  Then when I learned what I wanted and had no need for them any longer I would sell them to an online used bookstore.  They don't normally give you much back for them but every once in a while I had a book that was in high demand.

What you do is find a website (there are many) that offer to buy books.  You type in the ISBN number and they will let you know if they are buying it and for how much.  Once you are finished you submit it and they will send you a packing list and shipping label via email to print out and send the books to them at no charge to you.  They will evaluate the books to see if you meet the requirements but what I've found is that those requirements allow for general wear and tear, they are not looking for perfection.  They will then sell them for whatever price they choose to the people who are searching for such books.  I've never had a book rejected and quite honestly I thought a few of them would over the years because they were somewhat marginal in wear.

Some websites offer an app that you can download into your phone to scan the barcodes to see if they are buying that book and for how much.  Obviously it's only worth it if you have several books to send them to add up to an amount that is worth your time and efforts.

Beware though, you do not want to be promoting ungodly books.  The only ones I do this with are books that I have read myself such as cookbooks, homesteading (as long as there are no immodest pictures) nature (as long as they don't teach evolution) and 'how to' books (again as long as there is no immodesty), homeschooling, childrens books  etc.  Whatever is good and pure and true.  

It's not something that you can turn into a job of course, it's just something I have done when cleaning out my own stash of books.  In fact the stack you see in the picture is worth:

I can use that $$ to buy quite a few groceries at the discount store:-)  I tell brother Jim that since I no longer can have a big garden to grow all our food, I now harvest from the world what I can through mini online jobs, selling small things, buying through discount and sales, apps on my phone for various stores that give free coupons etc. 

Hopefully you enjoyed this and learned something:-)

Have a joyous day sisters,
May God be praised!

Sister Deb

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