God's Marvelous Creation

Greetings sisters in Christ!

The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

That verse is awesome isn't it?  It's one of the verses I used to hear all the time in the dead religious Lutheran religion that I grew up in.  It was repeated so many times at the end of the services that as a child it's easy to remember.  I praise God my eyes were blind and ears were deaf to the false teachings of that system and none of it made any sense to me about forgiveness but continual sin.  And since I didn't fall for their lies, I was an open book and hungry for the truth the very second I heard the gospel.

Today that passage means a lot to me because it sheds light on that God that I thought was so far from me but now being born again, He is right there.  Amen!

I just wanted to post a few videos of God's marvelous creation.  The first one is a huge spider web we saw one night at our Missouri place.  It made it at night and it was gone by morning.

The next day one is of a tiny little frog we saw inside McDonald's while we were out 'fishing'.  Brother Jim took him outside and put him in the bushes.


This video is just a bunch of vultures circling....over a religious place. 


And the last one is beautiful Iowa countryside.


Have a joyous afternoon sisters!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...