Walmart Witnessing and Baby Birds

Hello sisters!
Pray for one another that we may stand strong and not waver from the truth.

I want to start out by giving our father glory for His marvelous creation!  There's a bird nest by our driveway here in Missouri and we marvel at how a bird can make it so perfect.  It hangs on 2 thin branches and is round inside.  We couldn't make one like this with two hands and she does it with a beak and claws.  Amazing...

God's creation never ceases to amaze us, it shows His great magnitude.   Even when we are camping out parking lots around the country, we always get to see His creation if we look for it.  Unique insects, birds cleaning the parking lots and in between towns we get to see the landscape and wide open skies.

Speaking of parking lots, I was in Walmart the other day and after checking out I was thanking God for the discounted yogurt and vegetables that I found.  As I walked outside I saw a tent in the parking lot with a couple older men selling t shirts for a ministry, which by the way was unbiblical.  As I got closer he offered me a pamphlet and I said 'How about I give you something instead.  Here's a gospel card with the good news and how to find eternal life.  My husband did a testing of this ministry and I encourage you to go check it out and then contact my husband, he would love to hear from you.'

He said 'I hope it's all good?'

I said 'No sir, there are many unbiblical things about it and my husband would like to help you.  Have a good day.'

I then walked across the parking lot, across the street and to the McDonalds where brother Jim was working on ministry.  I was there just a few minutes and the phone rang and it was the man I gave the gospel card to!

I was thanking God that I was prepared and I was also thinking about how I handled dealing with a man in a shamefaced manner.  My old self would have started in on all the unbiblical things about the ministry and I could have stood toe to toe with that man and spouted scripture to him but I know my place as a woman of God.    And the contrast of that was shown to me shortly after that.

Later that day there was a table full of elderly men next to us and an older woman walked in and plopped right down in the midst of them.  She laughed and joked around and then got up and said to one of them men she was ready to drive him home.  (She didn't act like his wife, she must be a driver or something.)   After they left I was sitting there thinking about all the situations I see like that when we're out traveling; women approaching and talking candidly, openly, personably and sometimes vulgar with men.  No bashfulness, no shamefacedness, no purity and not keeping a respectful distance.

Satan has done a good job of breaking down the 'space' between men and women.  It used to be in the past that women would approach a man in a respectful manner but now it's like the Proverbs 7 harlot, bold, loud and unreserved.  Let it not be so among us staters and be a shining light of truth!

Have a joyous evening!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb