God's Creation and Wind River Canyon

Greetings Sisters!
Praise the Lord we made it to our nightly destination once again, we are thankful every time we safely make it to where we are heading.  

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Tonight we will be camping out at a little city park by a river (for free), then tomorrow we move on to hold gospel signs in a city that is filled with tourists at this time of the year.  

Last night we went through Wind River Canyon in Wyoming and took a night of peace and quiet in God's beautiful creation.  We made a 'Married and in the Word' video about it and I'll share it here.  I hope you enjoy it.

We are rested, restored and ready for the battles ahead in witnessing the gospel on the streets. I pray you are strong in the Lord, standing boldly in the truth and allowing the Lord to use you to shine His truth.

Have a joyous evening.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb 

The biblical gospel...