Pure Motives

Greetings Sisters,
We are rejoicing that the Lord has allowed us to safely arrive at our camp spot for the evening and then tomorrow we have a busy day of carving, maybe into the next day as well.  We shall see what tomorrow brings and go from there.

Normally we camp at Walmart or other free spots but out here in the eastern part of Wyoming, there isn't much around the small town where our carving site is so I found us a city campground for a great price.  We took a nice long walk, enjoying the evening and the sunset.  

As we were driving here today we were talking about motives, what drives us to do what we do as Christians and are our motives pure and for the Lord.

I ask you sisters, are the works you do the fruit of being a believer, the result of being transformed and wanting to obey God and glorify Him or are they works to glorify man? 

You may have an unbelieving or disobedient husband and 1 Peter 3 says to win him without a word.  Are your works motivated by wanting your husband to repent or are they because you love God and are obedient to him no matter what the outcome is with your husband?

What about with your neighbor, family, friends etc.  Are all your works for the glory of God or are they to win those people?  Of course we want to be a good witness but our motive should be for God and the result of that may impact others.

On the other hand do you grudgingly obey because you want to go to heaven and therefore the works are for you...or do you obey because you are thankful for what our Savior has done and the hope of eternal life with Him?

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

Let's always examine ourselves because the flesh is wicked and can so easily deceive us.

I hope you have a joyous evening.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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