Exposing 'Christian' Family Ministries

Hello sisters!
I'm thankful to the Lord for another day to serve Him, each day is a gift, one that we should never take for granted.  Many years ago, before my new life in Christ, I tried to end my life in various ways not knowing the full truth of where I would go if I did.  I'm so thankful (each day) that He did not allow me to do so.  To who much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48).  I know I repeat that verse a lot but it resounds in me constantly and keeps me focused.  

Because I love you sisters, I must sound the alarm and expose some ministries that I know some of you might be partaking of.  I'm rejoicing that some of you have already seen through the deception and dangers of these ministries and I pray that those of you who haven't yet....will.  

There are various ministries on youtube and in blogs / websites that consist of families that look more biblical than the average worldly Christian but sadly they are sweeping many Christian women away into false doctrine and sin.

These ministries may consist of headcovered women, wearing dresses, usually have several children, living on homesteads or traveling in music ministries etc. 

Here are 3 that brother Jim has reached out to in order to help them see their sins.  They have refused to repent and are now exposed, to warn others.  Feel free to go to the links with your husband (or spiritual authority) for more details. 

** Brackin and Lindsey Kirkland of Tiny Notes from Home, Sounds Like Reign

1000's of Roots with Kip and Carrie Smyth

The Texas Boys 

Because brother Jim has already done the testings as you can see in the links, if you don't have a spiritual head or authority to go there, I am able to summarize the general sins that these families are involved in, to warn you.  This is a general summary, not all pertain to each family but they all have sins that they refuse to repent of so as godly women, we are not to associate with them and they should be avoided. 

* False gospels
* Once Saved Always Saved / Calvanism
* Music ministries are not of God.
* Unbiblical dress
* Unbiblical headcoverings or lack of
* Earthly powers and healing (are new age and mysticism) 
* At the time of testings the men were not working and beg for money from their youtube channels.
* Associate with worldly carnal 'professed' Christians
* Some are worldly and carnal (watching movies, music, ungodly activities)
* Ecumenical
* KJV cultism

If you are involved in these ministries or any like them that are doing the same, you must repent and avoid them. I'm thankful that some of you have said you saw through them and are now being obedient in avoiding such ministries.  

Brother Jim has given each of them the offer to go over the testings line by line in God's Word and if they repent, we are here to help them strive in the truth.  Until they repent though, they will continue to be exposed in order to warn others.

I hope this helps you sisters avoid the false teaching that come from such ministries.

May God be Praised!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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