Women Walking Away

Greetings again Sisters!
Today I'm enjoying catching up on blog posts, sharing what's going on and finding some of the old posts from our homestead.  On days like this, rainy and cold, my mind goes back to those days remembering how warm it was to come in from the weather outside and smell the soup cooking on the woodstove, bake some fresh bread and curl up on the couch in the living room to enjoy it.  But we have left that life behind and now our house goes with us everywhere. Here's our house (the van) in the parking lot where we are working online in ministry this afternoon.)

My husband, brother Jim, is a preacher and our lives have transitioned to be traveling so he's a traveling preacher....and I go everywhere with him.  It wasn't always that way when he was working in the world but we worked hard in our own business to set him free and then worked hard to set ourselves free to be able to be together all the time, travel and go where the Word of God needs to be preached.  

As we were working today a man walked up to brother Jim, saw our bible and said 'That van must belong to you.'  Brother Jim began to talk to him, sharing a gospel tract and telling him about man made religion etc. During this time, the man's wife walked away.

Not long into the conversation the man says "I'm one of the pastors that you preach against.  But I'm non-denominational and not quite as bad as the other one's. "  It wasn't long into the conversation of the gospel that he walked way saying he better leave before he got into an argument.  
(This man forgot that he had approached brother Jim a couple years ago in this same place and the same thing happened.)

My point in all this is that his wife....WALKED AWAY before the man even got worked up.  She didn't stand by her husband and support him, she walked away.


She's a pastor's wife, who is supposed to be all about the things of God... and she walked away. Just another example of the sinfulness of man made religion and the converts it produces.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. (Ephesians 5:22) 

If you have a husband, regardless of whether he's a believer or not, you stand by him as you are his helper.  (Unless he is involving you in sin.)

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)

Let us women of God be a light of truth in a dark world.

Have a joyous evening and stay warm (if it's cold where you are.)

Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...