Are You Ready?

Good evening sisters,
Another day is coming to a close.  Every day I look back and see if I could have done something better and prepare my mind to do so the next day.  We were in a town witnessing and I saw this made me laugh because the weather was in the 60's that day.  I know it gets colder in this area but where we come from it's already cold and snowy and people have already been preparing.

Back when we were on a homestead we spent a lot of time cutting wood, shutting down the garden, preparing animals for winter etc.  People do a lot of that in their every day lives from one season to the next.  It all makes me think of:

Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel. Amos 4:12

When I was 'going to church' before I was born again in Christ, I understood nothing of their confusing messages but I do recall a few key verses that stood out and one was that...prepare to meet thy God. I learned that when I was young and it scared me.  I was afraid to die because I knew I was a sinner and I knew Jesus died for our sins but I didn't know how to wash all mine away.  The people I grew up with were church goers but none had any answers and they lived like the devil, not like Jesus.  Confusion.  Until the day I heard the gospel and got my answer....and my new life! (See the gospel link at the end of the post.)

I'm so thankful.  But that doesn't erase my fear of the Lord and it makes me strive to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) No, we don't work our way to heaven but it is fruit of our transformed life and love of following His Word in obedience.

I often ask myself if I'm prepared to 'meet thy God' especially when I'm very ill and I wonder if that is my soon to be destiny.  But I chastise and remind myself that I need to be prepared even when things are going well.  

The flesh is so wayward and when things go well we can rest in that unknowingly but then illness, tragedy or sadness of some sort strikes and we run to the Lord, examine ourselves, cry out for help etc.  Shouldn't we be doing that even when times are good?  

If we aren't, be better prepare. The Holy Spirit will guide us through the Word and we will be cleansed, strengthened and prepared if we strive on in truth.

I like to ask myself all the time, am I ready?

Are you?

Blessings to you.
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...