Blast From My Past....Spring Solar Cooking

Greetings sisters,
Here's another post from my cooking.


It's spring and although we still have the woodstove going, it's fun to use the solar oven when you have a sunny day.  It started out sunny today but turned cloudy later on so I'm impressed on how the solar cooker heated the food despite the cold wind, 40 degree, party cloudy day! 

I just took a chicken breast and chunked it up, added cubed potatoes and some peas.  Toss it with a generous dose of olive oil and a sprinkle each of thyme, sage and oregano as well as a generous helping of garlic salt a 1/2 cup water and we're ready to go.

Just a note: at this time of year in Wisconsin with the weather being very cool and an even cooler wind, it's wise to use smaller pieces of food to ensure full cooking until the weather warms up and the temps in the solar oven can get higher. 

I did give it a jump start on the gas stove for 10 minutes, just bringing it to a boil then taking it out to the garden where the solar oven lives.  (You can read about how we made it click here.)

It gets to travel around as the sun moves and by mid summer it's permanently stationed in the middle of the garden by the windmill.

It was about 12:30 when I put the food in ....

 and about 5:30 when I took it out.

The latter part of the day was very cloudy and the food wasn't very hot when I took it out, but it was fully cooked.  A few minutes on the woodstove will do it.

It's pretty awesome to use the sun to cook your food, something primitive about it and old world as opposed to the fast paced, high tech world we live in.  When you work hard to grow or raise your own food, then cook it like this...there is such an appreciation with every bite and a great thankfulness to God who gave it all to us. (Especially when it's all from your own homestead.)

Sister Deb

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