Oatmeal Overload and Being Blessed

Greetings sisters!
We are encountering winter today, this is what we woke up to...

We call our front windshield our patio window....it's all iced over and it's been snowing all day with just a little accumulation. It's supposed to be cold tonight...like 10 degrees :-) but after a few days it will warm up again. 

We trust in our Father that we will be where we need to be so putting up with winter weather in a van is something we shall do:-)

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Every morning and evening we take our walk around the parking lot and when we see stray carts, we grab them and put them away.

It's somewhat fun, breaking up the circles we do while getting our exercise, and it's a nice thank you to Walmart for letting us park overnight. Sometimes we meet people to talk to and give the gospel. After we were finished walking outside last night we went inside to walk some more and grab a few supplies.  While we were in there we found some discounted pumpkin oatmeal for $1 so we bought a box.  Once we got back to the van, brother Jim asked if that might be a good stock up food for us and offered to go get some more.  

He came back with a few boxes:-)

  Then this morning after breakfast...

Guess what we had:-)

...it was snowy and windy so we decided to do our walking in the store and as we were making our rounds, we stopped by the discount rack again and saw this deal...

Granola bars for .13 cents per box!  We even had someone check for us to make sure the price was correct and it was so we stocked up on these also.  We're good on whole grain oatmeal products for a while:-)  We are thankful for simple blessings like this.

We are currently out someplace working online and as I type this I can hear a woman who has a speech problem, having a conversation with another worker.  I just saw a physically challenged young man trying to talk to his father as they walk past.  I saw another young man with the mentality of a younger person, talking as he went past. 

It makes me thankful for the blessing of speech.  Sometimes when my sickness flares up I have troubles talking and thinking but for the most part I'm sound of mind with speech to match.  Speech is normally something simple for most people to do but there are many who have troubles forming words, lining them up in proper order or pronouncing words with impediments of the tongue or mind.

I was just talking to brother Jim the other day about how awesome speech is because you don't even have to think about forming each word into a sentence because the words are just there.  They're instantaneously on the tongue, quick as lightening, faster than you can even figure it out, then they are out in the atmosphere doing what they do.  You can't see the function going on in the brain, it's just there, incomprehensible and miraculous in that.  It's just one factor of magnificence of our heavenly Father.  

The next time I get sick, my brain doesn't work well and I can't find my words, I'm going to rebuke myself into thankfulness that I have what I do because it's a great blessing that others struggle with on a constant basis.

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:20)

As we were getting ready to leave we heard the woman who stumbled through her speech, calling several people to get a ride.  I walked over to her and when I get there she looked like she was going to cry.  I gave her a gospel tract and said 'You look like you could use some good news, I want to give you this gospel tract.'  I asked her if she was okay and she started crying, saying she was calling someone to pick her up (so we knew someone was on the way.)  We comforted her a bit and then brother Jim asked her if she knew the young man that we met last night, the one that was praising Jesus and she smiled and said 'Yes!  I do the job he does, but during the day.'  Brother Jim told her to tell him the preacher man said hi and hopes to hear from him and said we'd love to hear from her as well. As we walked out she was reading the tract....praise God for being in the right place at the right time.

As I finish the rest of this post, we are sitting in our van in the middle of an icy parking lot...

...thankful for our generator to run a little heater while we work online in our ministry.  At bedtime we will turn it all off and stay warm under the covers until morning when it will be very brisk, but invigorating.  It makes our coffee and oatmeal taste all the better:-)

We are not worthy to be servants of the Lord, but gracious for the opportunity.

Have a joyous evening and stay warm sisters.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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