Rest Stop

Good evening again sisters!
I was cleaning out my phone and saw that I forgot to post these videos I took for you.
I read about this rest stop before we headed out down the road today, so we decided to check it out.  We pulled in and everyone was busy using the facilities but we were interested in the river:-)  We took a walk down there appreciated the beauty that our Father created....

We appreciate these respites in our life considering most of it is spent in the busy world.  We just left a place that we'd stayed for a few days and every evening it was like all the big, loud trucks were out, revving their exhaust, round and round, bouncing the echoes off the walls.  The leaf and debris blower guy was out and thankfully I fell asleep before the sweeper came around and I didn't wake up which is unusual for me.  Sometimes we don't get to sleep until very late so in the morning we awake to many cars around us, engines roaring and semi trucks running.  We've grown accustomed to it and God gives us what we need, when we need it.

While we were in that town there was an awesomely timed out meeting and the events that came about were amazing.  We were walking through the parking lot to get to our van when a man going by in a car said to brother Jim that he liked the signs.  That led to Jim sharing the gospel and finding out about this person.  Turns out he's a street preacher but attends a worldly, religious place.  Brother Jim warned him and told him to check out our ministry site to help him see the deceptions.  Later that evening there was a message from a man (another street preacher) that said this guy told him about us.  He and brother Jim messaged back and forth quite a bit with this man admitting that he sees through man made religion and many other areas brother Jim brought up.  He was very excited and wanted to meet up with us before we left.  The next day he asked about headcovering and brother Jim told him to read our articles as they are very indepth and would show that they are to be worn.  

I'm going to skip the all details because it got ugly from there.  He didn't go to the scriptures and ended up calling Jim a pharisee and legalist for holding to it (which is clearly taught in God's Word.)  There were many other things that came out through this and in the end, brother Jim did a testing of this man and his ministry, sent it to him and said to correct him, using scripture.  It lead to a bunch of name calling and lies from this man and he didn't correct anything on the testing.  This man then put the link to the testing brother Jim did on him, on his page for all the world to see so we are rejoicing and hoping that a sheep sees it and is encouraged to go deeper in truth.  We've already had one person reach out about it.

There are wolves all over...

We are in another busy city, looking to see what tomorrow brings but in the meantime we can be thankful for the rest stop we had today.

Peaceful.  Our Savior gives us that steadfast peace while in the midst of the world.  Amazing!

Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.  Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength
(Isaiah 26:2-4)

Have a restful evening.

Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...