A Scamming Foreigner Gets Convicted

Greetings and good evening sisters!
I want to share with you a scam that seems to be going around in the beggar circles and how brother Jim deals with it.  A few weeks ago brother Jim was in the van doing something when he saw a car quickly slide into the parking spot right next to our van.  The people were hurriedly waving for him to come out and talk to them, and using caution, he did.  Their story was that they were foreigners in a 'rented' car and they lost their money and were selling gold for cash.  Brother Jim declined but offered to get them some food if they needed, which they declined. He then offered them spiritual food...the gospel.  They were quick to leave after that.

Just the other day we were in a town with a nice discount grocery store and I asked brother Jim to let me run in quick and pick up a few things I knew were a great deal.  We had just loaded the van and were getting ready to go when Jim walked to the drivers side and a car pulled up by him.  The man had the same story that the other family did about being foreigners, having lost their money and he held out his hand to sell brother Jim some rings.

Brother Jim said that he doesn't give out money but he gives out the gospel because he's a traveling preacher and proceeded to give him a gospel card.  Then he told the man that he will give an account for any lies or false ways.  The man said in broken English, "If you are Christian you will give me money".  Brother Jim said "I don't give out money but if you and your family are hungry, I will go in that store and buy you some food."

The  man said "You would buy me food?" 
Jim said "Yes, of course."
The man thought about it a second then said "You are Christian."  

Jim then shared the gospel and warned the man about the lies of man made religion etc.  The man went to leave and said 'Merry Christmas'.  Jim had just enough time to say "We don't celebrate Christ-mass because it's pagan."

The man kept going a ways then stopped, put the car in reverse and came back.  He looked at Jim and said "You don't celebrate Christmas?"  Jim explained the origins, lies and how God wants His people to worship in Spirit and truth.  The man agreed, said he was Orthadox and then thoughtfully said "But you are Christian????"

He couldn't fathom someone not celebrating it but calling themselves a Christian. He just tried to swindle someone by selling fake gold but he got the greatest gift ever...the gospel and seeds of truth to cause conviction.

Praise God for being at the right place at the right time.  The funny thing about this is, the day before I'd already been in that store and gotten what I'd wanted.  That evening I said to brother Jim that I should have grabbed a few more items that I saw and we decided to go the next morning before we left that town and headed to another.  We were in the right spot at the right time for that man to come by with his fake gold and get the gospel.

And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
Luke 18:27

Just be faithful and God will work it out all to His glory.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Have a peacefilled evening sisters. 
Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...