Beware of Bling (Pride and Vanity)

Greetings sisters!
How many of you have heard the word 'bling'?  It's a common slang word, used by the world to describe flashy jewelry or accessories.  For example, check out this truck all decked out with flashy accessories...bling.

It's clear to see this truck has been decorated to enhance and show it off. A regular truck can be a great accessory for a farm, a business or for the average person who hauls a lot of large items, but when you add all this bling to it, it becomes something else.  The world will look and say "Wow, that's awesome!"  or  "Wow that guy is filled with pride."

The culture we are currently in right now as we travel, has a lot of these such trucks and cars all decked out in their bling to make a statement that shows the heart of the owner. 

Let's look at us Christian sisters and how we show ourselves to the world.  God's Word teaches that godly women are to cover and dress in a shamefaced manner with a meek and quiet spirit.  Not with gold or pearls or fancy clothing, but unadorned, simple, plain and loose like robes. (1 Timothy 2, 1 Peter 3, 1 Corinthians 11) Does your wardrobe fit that description or does it look more like that truck? 

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate. Proverbs 8:13

The world scrutinizes Christians and sometimes they see the sins of a Christian more than the Christian themselves.  We constantly hear how people are put off by the hypocrite Christians who claim Christ yet live like the world or compromise (sin) in ways they think is okay.

It's a slow fade into worldliness and for women, a big one is clothing.  It's the nature of a woman to want to decorate everything including her clothing and if you are not careful you will slip right out of being biblically dressed to being worldly dressed.  It starts with a little lace on the skirt, a matching purse to the shoes, a cute denim jacket that's cut just right, the silky shirt that hangs to accent your positives....and away you go. It's clear to see the heart of a woman who walks in that direction and yes, the world sees it as well.

I encourage you to examine your heart and see if it is right before the Lord.  I also encourage you to dig through your wardrobe and toss out anything that your conscience has already been telling you is not biblical and that it does not line up with God's Word.  God will hold us accountable for all things and this is no small matter because clothing is a sin covering, not to be a decoration.  The other day while we were out, we saw a husband and wife walk by with the woman wearing a headcovering (it only covered part of her hair) and had a long lacy skirt with a fancy purse.  It was a decorated outfit, one that was feminine (pride and vanity) but not biblical.  I told brother Jim that clothing like that is easy to wear because it's soft and pretty, not shamefaced and biblical.   I used to wear such clothing and only cover part of my hair until I dug deeper in scripture and saw the the truth.  What we are on the outside is a representation of who we are on the inside and if we are obedient it will show. Let us godly sisters be pure inside and exhibit it on the outside.

The world has the lust of the eyes for all that bling (pride and vanity) let us believers have our eyes set on Christ and be an example of holiness by shining the light of truth in our lives.

Have a joyous afternoon.
Sister Deb

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