Hearing... Both Blessing and Burden

Good evening sisters in Christ!
We are thankful that the pagan season will soon come to an end as Christ-mass rounds the corner and disappears into the next year.  It's a fight in the flesh to deal with the hypocritical 'professed Christians' who say they love Christ yet practice (even after being shown in scripture) such a pagan tradition  that is build on lies and sin.   Keep standing for truth sisters and don't waver because those in your life (who may some day be stirred by the Spirit) will see your steadfast commitment over the years.

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58

I've been blessed (most of my life) with excellent hearing and maybe that came from being virtually blind as a child.  (I could hardly see my hand in front of my face.)  I used to take off my (super thick) glasses, sit and listen to all the sounds around me, thinking that some day I might be blind so I wanted to practice being alert to what was going on around me.  (Praise God I've been spared and have decent eyesight today.)  Although I was thankful for good hearing, I took it for granted and didn't appreciate it as much as I think I should have as I no longer have it.  Because of an illness, I've lost virtually all the hearing in one ear and there are times that my other ear is affected.  I said to brother Jim that I was concerned that I might end up losing the hearing in the other ear to become totally deaf and he said it might be a blessing in this loud and sinful world. 

He's right. 
Hearing is both a blessing and burden...losing it would be both a blessing and burden.

Without hearing we wouldn't have to deal with the music of the world.  We wouldn't have to hear gossip, vulgarity or anger coming from anyone's mouth.  We wouldn't hear the hypocritical words of a professed believer that is living in sin and making excuses for it.  When I sleep at night, my good ear is down on the pillow and my bad hear muffles the sounds of the traffic, horns, semi engines or noisy generators from parking lot neighbors that run theirs all night.  Or in the case of last night, we were parked in lot and the store had the alarm going off every half hour for about 5 minutes straight.

There was a police officer there all night long who kept circling the building but nothing was going on. (We think maybe the management just set it to go off at intervals as the store itself is rarely every closed except for the pagan holidays.)

Being deaf wouldn't be so bad in this sinful world, but I would miss one thing....

I love to hear the Word of God being proclaimed whether it be on the streets, witnessing one on one or simply hearing the Word be read aloud.  

Either way, whatever your situation is, hearing or not, we are blessed to have the hope of eternal life in Christ Jesus for all who have believed in Him (John 3:16) repented and turned their life to Christ (Luke 13:3), are walking in obedience and holiness (1 Peter 1:15, Hebrews 5:9) and are enduring through until the end (Matthew 24).

There will be no physical issues to deal with for those who enter into heaven...

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:4

Our Father knows all things, He knows when you struggle and when things go well.  He sees how you react in all situations and nothing is hidden from Him.  

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

Rejoice sisters, in all things!

Love to you in Christ, 
Sister Deb

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