Waiting Patiently for Your Husband

Greetings sisters!
I want to encourage you in your strength to stand strong in this world regardless of whether the Lord has someone standing with you or not. You are where He wants you to be, today...tomorrow might be different:-)

We continuously hear from professed christian men that they don't get on the internet and they want nothing to do with it but yet their wife  (who claim to be a believer) is on it.  There's a big problem with this because the man is paying for the internet that he feels should not be in his home and his wife is not honoring him in that.  Read Ephesians 5 about wives submitting to husbands.

Also, we hear from Christian women who claim that their husbands are believers but they are not leading their home biblically.  I would encourage you to study 1 Peter 3

Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.
(1 Peter 3:1-2)

'Conversation' means the manner of your life, conduct, behavior.

If your husband claims Christ but is disobedient, you are not to take the authority into your own hands and do as you please.  It doesn't mean that you are now allowed to go looking for another man on the internet to teach you theology...you are called to be a living witness to your husband by obeying the Word in your home. What a woman in that situation should be doing is staying home, focusing on helping her husband, raising children, taking care of household duties...and praying that God will guide him. I've seen with my own eyes that the more quiet I am, the more I trust in my Father, the more God works in brother Jim.  That can happen in your home as well but I know for a fact that if women are disobedient, it can be to the destruction of man and how do I know?  Go read Genesis 3:17

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;

He knew what God said but listened to his wife.  Are you being an Eve without even realizing it?  

At times I was...and I have to be careful today.

I have a couple pictures for you to depict what godly woman should be doing in relation to a husband that claims Christ yet is not being obedient.  I took this first picture while we were out witnessing at a public pier while everyone was walking by and rejecting the Word of God.  I saw these 2 birds quietly sitting there and it was so calming to me in such a world that hates the things of God.  I thought of us believers waiting patiently for our Savior and I also thought about using it here to show how a woman should be with her husband.  Waiting by his side, waiting for him to lead, calmly....patiently....and allowing God to do what He will do.

And yet, this is what we see all the time...

(I don't know if the women who contact us are even biblically dressed or covered but if they truly are born again they should be so that's why I depict it that way.)

Big contrast isn't it?


I'm not in any way defending a disobedient husband.  He is in sin if he's not being obedient but a wife that is leading and getting her theology off the internet, not being a quiet wife and winning him without the word, is in sin also.  I'm here to encourage you sisters to stop trying to get your husband to lead and allow God to work in Him.  You simply live your life in obedience to God's Word and let GOD work in your husband.  I can't tell you the outcome but whatever it is, it will be God's will and you don't want to get in the way of that....do you?  

Be content living your life for the Lord and allow Him to do whatever he does in the life of your husband, regardless if it's what you want or not.  That's NOT your responsibility so don't get in the way.  

So in wrapping this up, I encourage you sisters who have husbands who disagree with having the internet, to obey him in that.  To those of you who have 'professed believing' husbands that are in disobedience, I encourage you to be obedient to the scriptures and allow God to deal with him...not you.

Let us all examine ourselves.  2 Corinthians 13:5

Love to you sisters,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...