Biblical Dress Vs Modest Dress

Greetings sisters,
Below you will read our teaching on biblical dress vs modest dress. I pray it blesses you and encourages you to obey.


Quite often while speaking to professed believers or in testing religious body's claiming Christ, we come across the word 'modest' (or conservative) in reference to the clothing of a godly woman.  (In the past we may have used that word incorrectly and as we come across articles with it we will correct it.)  This article is to distinguish the vast difference between the commonly used phrase 'modest dress' vs 'biblical dress'.

Please read this article about why we wear clothes:

In 1 Timothy 2 we see in the KJV that women are to 'adorn themselves in modest apparel' and it continues to outline the nature of a woman in many verses.  (Read it for yourself)

11In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

Also read 1 Peter 3:1-6.

Man made religion would take that and say 'See, women can adorn themselves!'.  Yes, godly women are to adorn themselves but in the ways of the Lord, not the outward adornment of the world that we see today (read an article on adornment here:

Next, some (most don't really care what people wear regardless of how vile it is) say women are to wear 'modest clothing' thereby summing the scriptures by using 2 words instead of the whole context.  Let's examine the word modest and apparel.

According to Websters dictionary of today (where most people look), modesty in reference to clothing generally means:

*Not showing too much of a person's body
*Shy about showing her body especially in a sexual way

There are some professed believers that would agree with that summary but what exactly does that mean?  Based on what grounds can one measure how much is too much or what exactly can they compare non sexual to sexual display? They allow the worldly culture to dictate what modest means and not what God's Word says.  Culture today says jeans on a woman is modest compared to shorts.  Shorts to the mid thigh are modest compared to volley ball shorts (that look like underwear).  A one piece swim suit is modest compared to a bikini.  Culture 100 years ago thought showing a woman's calf as immodest.  The problem is, man has taken the words modest apparel and translated that to mean 'clothes that are whatever we decide is modest at the time per culture.'

What does God's Word says about 'modest apparel'?

The greek word for 'modest' is : kosmios and means 'orderly, of good behavior', well arranged, decorous.

Much of the meaning would refer to the attitude and nature of a woman.

Apparel means: katastole which if you read our article on clothing (click HERE to read it) you will see it means long loose clothing (Robes/dresses as we call them today not pants or shorts.)

Generally translated for today would be that women are to adorn themselves in well arranged,orderly, long loose dresses.  Let's not stop there, we see in the entire verse and the remaining ones after that women are not to be adorning themselves or their dresses as they are to be shamefaced and sober and the example is the women of old.

Taking both 1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 into full context in regard to clothing; a godly woman is to dress herself in unadorned (plain, solid) long loose dresses in a shamefaced and sober manner. 

What we see though, are professed believers who cling to the 'modest clothing' mindset and they look like harlots (also adding jewelry and makeup ) because they use their own thoughts and judgments and not the truth of God's Word whereas if a godly woman follows His Word and truth they will not be showing any form in their loose clothing, they will be unadorned (no patterns on the clothing, no jewelry, no makeup etc) and will look nothing like the world today.

Therefore we try to refrain from using the word modest when referring to clothing, we say 'biblical dress' which is totally different.  


Have a joyous day sisters,
Love in Christ.
Sister Deb

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