Quick on the Draw (Being Prepared to Share the Gospel)

Greetings sisters in the Lord!
Did you put on your armor this morning?  (Ephesians 5)  Did you thank the Lord for the hope of eternal life that He offers to those who follow Him?  If we start our day in thankfulness and putting on our armor, we will be ready for the battle and the strength to do it. 

Being ready in all situations is very important and I am constantly reminded of it, in our mobile life on the road sharing the gospel.  Sometimes with my struggles in the flesh I have to work a little harder at it but I remind myself that I'm here as a vessel for the Lord, and willingly so. 

I always want to be ready to give a gospel tract and although I don't usually get the chance to speak much to others about it, I get opportunities to hand them out.  One such time was this afternoon when we stopped to put some gas in the van.  Brother Jim had just finished and left the rest to me so I could get the receipt and close it up while he went inside to get our ice. (We have a big drink container that we get free ice every time we get gas.  Another money saving tip for those on the road:-)

Anyway, the pump screen asked me if I wanted a receipt and I saw no button to push to say yes.  Normally it lights up the words by the button, yes or no.  I randomly pushed a button.  Nope, it didn't work. I pushed another one.  Nope.  I pushed a few more and was about to give up when I saw a button on the key pad, up in the corner with the worn out words "Receipt yes".  Aha, I got my receipt!!!!

After it printed I walked over to grab a paper towel from the dispenser and heard a bunch of random beeping going on the other side of the pump.  I looked up and and saw a woman pushing the buttons like I was.  She looked up and asked me if I knew how to print the receipt.  I smiled and told her my story as I pointed out the almost hidden button.  She smiled, thanked me and was quickly jumping in to her car to leave when I whipped out a gospel card and gave it to her.

Brother Jim and I call it 'being quick on the draw' and I've prepared for this so let me show you how.

I purposely looked for a purse that had an outside pocked that had no closures.

I don't know about you but I've lost opportunities to share a gospel tract because I was fumbling around opening compartments etc...now they are readily available.  If I have jacket on, I keep some in my pockets too.

People ask us what we use for a gospel tract so I'll share what we have:

It's the size of a business card so it's easy to carry and made of a sturdy material.  We used to hand out tri-folded papers complete with a detailed gospel on both sides but we found those harder to hand out on a regular basis so we came up with these.   (We still have the longer form on paper for those who don't go on the internet.)

These are simple and relatively inexpensive to make through Staples or you can search other office stores that do printing.  They can be created and ordered online and then pick them up when they are ready.  What a simple way to share the gospel, amen!?

God uses us in many different ways, seek His will and you will find your way as well.

Love to you diligently striving sisters.
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...