Say Cheese!

Greeting sisters in Christ!
We were blessed with a gift of cheese from a brother in the Lord...

...and enjoyed a wonderful snack on some wholesome crackers.  (It tasted good on egg sandwiches as well :+)

Later that night we went for a walk and decided to check out the flower department.  (Yup, for those of you up north like we used to be, they have flowers all year long down here.) 

(Find me way in the back waving!)  

It's strange to me that they can garden all year long  when we are used to such a limited time (June to mid Sept).  It's also strange to me how fast time is flying as it seems that the older we get the faster time goes.  Spring is around the corner and soon we'll be heading north and west to the central area of the country for a while before we head out west.  Lord willing, we will live to do it and share the gospel along the way.

Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
John 4:14

When you go to the grocery store and buy food, once you hand it over to the cashier, it's been spent, it's gone.  The food will be consumed and that too will be gone. Most of you will use caution how much money you spend and what sort of food you buy, do you do that with your time?  Once your day is gone, it's been spent, never to be had again.  Are you as careful on how you spend your time as  you are when you spend your money? 

My goal is that by the end of the day, I can look back on it and say that I could stand before the Lord and account for every minute of it for Him.  That's a lofty goal that I shoot for every day and if I fall short, I get back up and try again.

March on sisters.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...