Tattoos on the Temple

Greetings sisters in Christ!

We have been blessed with unbelievably wonderful weather! That's the precise reason we came to this area, because the weather is conducive for being outside witnessing. This made me laugh...

A lawn service, working in January! Yeah, we still have ice in our veins from being northerners all these years and I'm sure it'll melt some day as we travel around the country and encounter long terms of various kinds of weather. Both brother Jim and I had traveling jobs in our past, before Christ, and were all over the US but it's different when you're camping out in it 24/7. Anyway, I thought those of you from the north would find this amusing :-)

We were walking yesterday and came across an unbiblical group (Life Changers) selling their goods to make money to propagate their system. Yes, they do some good works getting people off drugs but they don't go deep enough into God's word, instead they lead people away from the truth. As brother Jim was witnessing to the men running it, I took this picture.

It says "Jesus loves me and my tattoos".

It is true that we are taken where we are when we repent and are born again but we do not stay the same person we were because God's word says we are a new creation.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Once we are a new creation, we begin walking in holiness and obedience which means we learn how to carry ourselves as the holy, set apart people for God. One area of that for women is dress and headcovering. Godly women are to cover their temple in long, loose, unadorned / plain, dresses / skirts and shirts. Godly women are to also cover their heads with a cloth veil.

We have many teachings on these subjects under the women's label in our teaching blog.

This shows how very important it is to carry our temple (body) in a biblical manner. We are not to be poking holes in it (piercings) or injecting ink in it (tattoos), we have articles on that in our discernment blog, you can go there with your husband or spiritual authority.

This post is to reach out to those of you, who were like me, that have tattoos from your old life before Christ and I need to encourage you to cover them up. I'm thanking the Lord that I have mine in areas that are not visible to the world and the only people who can see them are my husband. Several years ago I was in an emergency room and even though I could barely breath and was in much misery, I was humiliated when the doctor saw them...but praise God it turned into a witnessing opportunity because later, the doctor asked brother Jim what religion we were. Brother Jim got to share out testimony with him and the gospel good news!

When I was foolishly getting my tattoos, I really wanted some on my neck and arms but I'm so thankful that I never followed through. If you are one of those people who have them visible, you will need to do whatever you can to keep them covered because they are not a good testimony unless you get the chance to explain them to every single person who sees them, which doesn't happen and then it becomes a stain on God's name among His people.

I can testify that there's something dark and evil about getting tattoos. I got mine when I was going through a very lost time of my life when I had given up and was totally hopeless. I had an insatiable desire for the pain that comes from getting them and pride from having them. It's like an inadvertent desire to mark up what God has created but not even realizing the depths of it because we cannot understand that unless we are in Christ. Satan uses the destruction of God's creation (of man) for his glory through tattoos, makeup, piercings, removing the clothes God put on us etc. It's all for the glory of Satan, not of God.

This is just an encouragement and admonishment to you sisters, to keep them covered for the glory of God.

Have a joyous evening.

Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...