The Mightiness of Meekness

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Praises to you sisters who are actively killing your feminist flesh and are striving to be obedient daughters of the most High.

The other day while we were out at an event with our gospel signs and brother Jim preaching, women would walk by and boldly mock. (Men would also but I'm focusing on the women here.)  At one point a woman was walking by with her husband making the 'yak, yak, yak' hand motion like this:

Seconds later she stumbled (did not fall) over the leg of a street barricade and then the next one.  Brother Jim said that people reap what they sow and to let that be a lesson to her not to mock the things of God.  Not long after that, another woman stepped up to brother Jim while he was preaching and wanted to talk, so he gave her a gospel card and asked if she had a husband.  She said yes, pointed to a man behind brother Jim and demanded that he answer why she couldn't talk without her husband. (Note: It's biblical to go through the husbands. Another Note: she interrupted the preaching of God's Word to assert herself.)  Brother Jim addressed the man and the woman came right over to me to try saying I don't need to be in bondage etc.... The woman's husband wanted nothing to do with the conversation except to say that God is love and acceptance while Jim was trying to correct him.  I tried to be nice to the woman but ended up having to rebuke her and they both walked away angry because God's Word was not on their side. We always try to be kind and loving but when people have an anti-truth agenda, the truth always makes them mad.

Those are just a couple examples of the bold women asserting their power, that we encounter.  They also come in the form of phone calls or emails.

Lately we've had a lot of contact with people defending women being teachers and leaders in the things of God.  It never ends and I suspect it to only get worse as the days get more evil.

There are many contentious excuses but the one I want to address today is this:
"There are more spiritually discerning women today than there are men, so women need to step up."

(We hear various versions of that excuse for women in leadership positions when scripture clearly shows that women are not to be in spiritual leadership positions.)

What should a woman do if she is biblically knowledgeable and there are no men around to be leaders?  

She is to continue to be obedient to the scriptures with a meek and quiet spirit, and allow God to deal with the fact that there are no men around to do it.  The excuse of God using Deborah is not a good one either, we have an article on that here:

God's Word tells women to have a meek and quiet spirit in 1 Peter 3.  Meekness is a form of power under control. (We have an article on our teaching blog that goes into detail :  )

You can also watch a video I did about having a meek and quiet spirit.

A meek and quiet woman with much spiritual knowledge will keep her power (knowledge) under control and use it in the way a godly woman should.  Let me give you an example:
When we're on the street witnessing and a mocker realizes he can't get anywhere with brother Jim, they often try to attack me.  If I were in the flesh I could bibically contend with them as I'm very trained in the Word of God, but instead I harness that power and submit myself to God's word in my meek and quiet spirit and tell them they need to deal with Brother Jim.

Another example that was asked of us:
What if I'm more spiritual and knowledgeable in the Word of God than my husband.  Shouldn't I help him?  

The answer is that women are to have a meek and quiet spirit and not to teach or usurp the authority of a man, which would mean not teaching him.  A wife can, of course, offer some scriptures that reference that situation but the man is to learn to lead so if she leads him, how will he learn to lead?  See, she has the power of the knowledge of God's Word, she is well advanced of her husband but she harnesses that power in a meek and quiet Spirit and allows her husband to lead himself and be led by the Holy Spirit, eventually lead her and in that God is glorified.

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Romans 12:1-2

ALL THE TIME we see women wanting to step on and over the men (any man including their husbands) when it comes to knowledge of God's Word.  They think it's a mighty thing to be able to contend in it but if we follow scriptures, we see that mighty, or greater for a woman, is a meek and quiet spirit. Just like greater is he who is a servant :-)

Let's look at another form of meekness.  Say your husband, friend, sisters, whoever is telling someone about an event that happened and they said they thought it was about 4 days ago. They  may be incorrect and it was actually 3 days ago and made an innocent mistake.  If the information is not pertinent to a serious issue and the amount of days really doesn't matter, do you need to correct them?  Meekness would keep that power (knowledge) under control, at least in that situation, so as not to cause a diversion in the conversation and allow them to finish.

Another form of meekness would be when training a child how to do a task.  They may be fumbling around and in the end it may have been an awful job but they tried very hard and eventually finished the chore.  In your meekness you keep your power under control and allow them to do it for themselves, learning along the way.

One last example of meekness that I used today.  A woman walked up to brother Jim while he was preaching to ask some questions.  Normally we will greet people, see what it is they are asking, answer a few brief questions then explain that we are there to preach and to contact us later (men or single women) or married women go through their husbands.  This woman asked several questions and although I could have answered them all, I kept silent as brother Jim was talking.  (It would have been biblical for me to answer but I deferred to my husband.) I could see Jim was going to end the conversation and start preaching again so I offered for her to go to the website with her husband, told her we have tons of information there to answer questions and to have her husband contact Jim if they need any help.  That had a two fold result.  #1 I respected my husband and she saw what a meek and quiet spirit was.  #2 We could see that she was going to continue to ask questions that were going to go outside the realm of being biblical without going through her husband and by me speaking, it showed that she could not usurp power over a man by continuing to ask questions when she was asked to have her husband contact us.

We see a great example of how mighty a meek and quiet spirit is when we're on the street and a man wants to get contentious about the truth with brother Jim.  When he can't make any headway against the truth of God's Word, he may turn toward me and say "Doesn't she get to say anything?" My meek and quiet spirit shows that my husband's house is in biblical order according to God's Word and we see by that question being asked, the man is feminized.  The silence of a godly woman can be very mighty in this world because when brother Jim explains the order of a woman being silent when the men discuss the word, it exposes more sin in the life of that man.

I share these examples and this post to encourage you sisters that you have a mighty role in the kindgom of God.  It's not the role of a man, it's not one that is out in the world being a leader in teaching and preaching, it's one that is under the authority of God, in obedience to His word.

Hopefully this encourages you in your walk because woman is not less than man in the eyes of God, we see that in Galatians 3, but there is an authority line that must be followed and if we exercise a meek and quiet spirit, then God is glorified.

Have a joyous day sisters.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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