Getting Refreshed....Married and in the Word

Greetings sisters in Christ,
I hope you are all well today, standing strong in the Lord.
Today I share with you a very quick video we made today (Married and in the Word) about refreshing yourself.   

In it I mention about the birds singing.  I've been calmed by the singing birds when we've been out witnessing in hectic situations or when I've had some rough things to deal with and just hearing God's creation continue to do what He's ordained them to to is so calming and refreshing to me.  I want to be like those birds, or frogs, or crickets....just doing what my Father said to do, not being bothered by what's going on around me.  Praise God, He has the power to sustain us.  

I hope your day was joyous in the Lord and I leave you with another picture of God's creation.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...