Dried Milk

Greetings sisters in Christ,
How is your day going today?  Are you standing on the rock of our salvation?

And he said, The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; The God of my rock; in him will I trust: he is my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower, and my refuge, my saviour; thou savest me from violence.
2 Samuel 22:2-3

We are here on this earth not to live for ourselves and even after being made a new creation in Christ, we have to remind ourselves of that from time to time as life and our responsibilities overtake us. 

Speaking of responsibilities, we sisters have quite a few in the home, to look after.  I just did a reading on Proverbs 31 woman and in that she is industrious and always working to stay ahead, making sure all is taken care of in her home.  We sisters are to be doing the same thing and food is a big one because we eat every day.  For many years we have been advocates of people storing up foods (not hoarding because that means you won't share, storing is being wise and having a surplus for you and anyone else you might need to help.)  If we look in the old testament we see the same when a famine was predicted like in Genesis 41 and other areas.  

I will from time to time share with you what we choose to store up for famine times and encourage you to examine your house and see what you could be doing.  Many of you will agree that the store shelves are  becoming bare and I don't think that's because people are all buying it or that there's a food shortage; it's obvious there is manipulation going on behind somewhere.  I won't get swept away into all that controversy but instead encourage you to do what you can to provide for your household.

One item I've been wanting is dry milk. I couldn't find any on the shelves nor find any online places to order but praise God, we were finally able to find some... a 25 lb bag.  

No, we don't normally drink much regular milk and only use creamer in coffee but because we don't eat much meat in our diet we've decided that we wanted more protein so dry milk is a good option.  (For some reason I don't have a digestive issue with dry milk like I do regular.)  The initial investment is a big high but over time if I were to purchase the equivalent of fresh milk we would save at least $40 by using our dry milk based on the pricing in our area of the country.  I wanted it more for the convenience of always having it and not being a slave to the stores, which tend to run out of it quite often lately.  And being off grid I can make a little bit at a time, when I need it.

To store that amount of milk I scooped it out of the bag...

Put it into gallon sized ziploc bags and into a couple buckets.

Have you heard of 'golden milk'? I'm sure most of you have but if not, I'll do a post on it after this and maybe it'll be a help to someone.

Oh, here's a milk conversion chart in case anyone needs it:

I leave you today with this picture of God's creation.  (I can't get over that our God is so infinite that He SPOKE the world into existence and instantly created all these flowers!)

Blessings and love to you,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...