Off Grid Dehydrator

Hello sisters!
I pray that today is one of peace and joy in the Lord.

In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul.
Psalm 94:19

The other day I did an audio / video post about what's been going on and in it I said I bought a dehydrator and I was excited about getting it, well it's here!

It is BIG!!!  I think it's about 4 feet tall and a great circumference, enough to dehydrate a lot at once and only cost $20.  I was thankful that it came in the morning because we were heading out to do some errands and I was able to pick up some things to dehydrate in it.

I've shared with you that I used to have some awesome electric dehydrators with 9 trays each and they were humming all summer long as I was processing what the Lord blessed us with, from our gardens.  When we went off grid it didn't make sense to keep them so we sold them (we had gotten our money's worth out of them many times over.)   Last week I was questioning brother Jim how much our generator would run with 'x' amount of watts and trying to figure out how long a dehydrator would take etc.... :-)  Yeah, I let my thoughts run with that for a short time until I realized it would not be conductive so I switched gears and began thinking off grid dehydrating.  I ended up with this and have already loaded it. I bought 5 packs of beautiful white mushrooms. 

Sliced them thin and lined them in each level of the dehydrator.

We have a little cabin by the house that can be a fellowship room, sewing room, project room...whatever we need it for and now it's a dehydrating room.

Someday we will get to finishing it off on the inside but for now it does a good job with what we need it for.  After the sun went down and the air started cooling off, I started a fire in the woodstove right behind it.

That should give enough heat and dry air to dehydrate them quite a bit tonight and then we'll see how long they need tomorrow.  (I'm kinda in my element here, doing the homestead thing again...yay :-) Speaking of which, I picked up some flour and yeast today and will be whipping out a homemade pizza for brother Jim one of these days.

I was joyous to see that I still had this:

Those of you may age will know that this is a recipe book, or what was used before they came about :-)

There it is...something that puts a big smile 
on brother Jim's face :-) 
He deserves it cuz he's a good husband.  

Hmmm, I wonder if I could dehydrate pizza?  haha

Anyway, I'll give an update on how the mushrooms did and then what's up next. We are being very productive during our time here and I'm very thankful for it as I'm truly enjoying it.

Love and peace to you,
Sister Deb

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