The Gift of Gardens

Good evening sisters in Christ!
Praise God for this day He has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

I'm also rejoicing in the fact that we were able to get some things for our garden and I'm looking forward to getting it set up. We are not planning on planting this year but are getting it ready for the time that might come, where we are not traveling.  I know some of you are readying your garden and I rejoice for you in it as I know how awesome it is to plant that tiny seed and to watch how God grows it into a plant bearing food to nourish us!  

I love hearing how sisters are setting up their gardens, seeing their thankfulness and contentment in their words, hearing how they are working diligently in their Titus2 role in the home and offering different ideas, recipes etc.

The other day we went for a drive to pick up some (very affordable) fencing that we found north of our place and how wonderful that the discount food store was on the way. Check out this deal I got:

.10 cents per box, wow.
(Brother Jim really likes mac n cheese:-)

We found a nice assortment of other things also... but getting back to the garden, we picked up 3 rolls of fencing.

This is where it's going to go...

Once we get the beds all set up we want to get some soil (we live on very rocky ground) wood chips and hopefully manure to help in the compost bin. Brother Jim said we'll need to drop a couple trees in order to get enough sunlight so that'll be some exercise and hard work.  

Those of you who have been gardening for a while know that the more you work your garden, the better it is every year.  I found some pictures of our garden at the farmhouse we had in Wisconsin years ago.

That little building on the left was the garden shed that we turned into a chicken coop.  

It's incredibly amazing to me how one tiny seed 
can produce so much food.

It was a super huge garden and praise God we were blessed with a lot of food to share with others.  We also had a big hoop house there but I don't have any pictures of it.

This next picture was of the garden at the little cabin we bought when we sold the farmhouse in Wi.  (The house we just sold.)

The back is where I grew all the things that vined and spread and the front of the garden was half containers and half hoop house.  

That's a picture of the hoop house in the process of being set up.  Brother Jim just built beds and then screwed pvc pipes to it. (I know a sister that is going to be putting one up:-) They are nice to have and can extend the growing season earlier and later.

Here's a picture of it with the plastic...

We're thinking about making a small hoop house here and potentially use barrel containers as there are some close to us for a great deal, we shall see.

Brother Jim picked up some more seeds:

And it won't be long and we will be set for that day we may need to work a garden.  It makes me think of the audio brother Jim did the other day about working the garden of your heart and do men nurture the things of God in their hearts with as much time and tending as they would a garden.

What about us?  

I've often wondered what it was like in the garden of Eden and pondered what a blessing it was for Adam and Eve to be with God.  Then I ponder the depths of shame they had in their sins, the same shame we had when we realized our depravity then repenting.  Praise God for His mercies and long suffering for those who strive to serve Him but fall short.  If we repent, get back up and strive, He is faithful to forgive.  

I'm not sure when we will be using this garden but we're preparing for it.  Makes me think of the verse I've share a lot here in the sisters blog...prepare to meet thy God.  Amos 4:12

I hope you have a joyous day today sisters.
Love to you in Christ,
Sister Deb

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