The Gospel Driveway

Greetings sisters in Christ,
Today I want to share with you, a post from my old homestead blog.  I think you will enjoy it...


There is a very interesting drive way I know of that I would like to tell you about. It begins just off of a quiet country road in the middle of a mostly pine and (some) mixed hardwood Wisconsin forest. It is about a quarter of a mile long through the peaceful woods where you can see many different plants and trees and animals as you pass by.

The driveway is very special for many reasons. It not only leads to a joyful farm home but provides a path to harvest both firewood for winter warmth, delicious black berries, wild foraged food and quiet time in God's creation. As you drive or walk upon it and you pay attention you may see rabbits, song birds, porcupines, grouse, deer, owls, eagles etc. Many peace filled walks have been taken down on this driveway and it is surely appreciated as a gift from God in so many ways. But what makes this drive way the most special is that it carries upon on it the gospel (good news) of our Lord and Savior to all who pass by its winding way. 

As you drive in, this is the first sign you see and then the message all along the way...

How do I know so much about this wonderful drive way? Well, I am on it daily as it is ours. And let it never be said that a UPS driver, mail man, census taker or visitor of any kind did not receive the message of truth, hope and eternal life after visiting our country drive way.

People always comment on our LONG driveway so we decided to put the gospel signs up.  Jim just took some old boards, free handed the words, used his router...

...and painted them....

...Align Leftso they would show up boldly. See we believe in being bold in our witness for Christ. After all, as believers that is what we are here on earth to do. We know far too many people in our American culture are Christians in name only. As they say if you were on trial for being a follower of Jesus just how much evidence would there be against you? We hope our driveway encourages those who don't know the Lord to seek Him and for those who do know Christ, that they may boldly proclaim His gospel to all they pass by in life! Remember friends...our speed limit is only 10 mph, the way is very narrow and only Christ leads to eternal life. God be praised forever!!

That was from when we lived in Wisconsin on the farm.  We are far away from that today but closer to our home in heaven:-)

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...