Free Sisters Are Feminists

Greetings sisters,
I pray you are striving to be obedient daughters of the most High!  Brother Jim suggested this post as we know of an unbiblical group of people who look more called out from the world than the average worldly church (Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist, Church of God, AOG etc.) in that (some) dress closer to being biblical than most organizations.  They claim a 'kingdom' theology which means they pretty much only follow the words of Jesus and they also follow many false teachers and unscriptural books.  Brother Jim has reached out to them to reason with them in their errors but they wanted nothing to do with it and continued in their sins.  In their group are many women who call themselves 'free sisters'.  (Some say 'free sista's')  They claim 'freedom' from the unbiblical commands and doctrines of man, for women. (Such as amish hoods or mennonite caps, driving buggies, certain color cars etc).  While those are unbiblical traditions of man and should be rejected, they have gone too far in that they are taking that freedom and turning it into sin as they are removing commands from scripture. (Such commands like headcovering, biblical dress, submission, being quiet etc.)

Brother Jim has done a testing on them and many leaders in their groups (they have a few groups on the eastern side of the US) and they could care less, instead they mock and laugh about it.  We see it's a growing practice, this 'free sisters movement' and it sweeping away many women who want to be 'free' from the commands of Christ and 'free' to be feminists. (Wearing pants, makeup and adornment, taking total dominion over the house, ruling their men, being vocal voice pieces in their feminist ways etc)

We see these 'free sisters' turning these groups that may have been a bit more removed from the world, and swinging them back into worldly ways.  We notice that in these groups there are some women who start with more obedience to the scriptures but over time, this 'freedom' entices the inner lust of their flesh and they grow in boldness, going along with the unbiblical ways of the other women.

He that walked with the wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Proverbs 13:20

I've been approached by worldly, carnal women from man made religion when we stand outside their buildings and they walk out looking like they were getting ready to stand on a street corner like the Proverbs 7 harlot, and they walk up to me to say 'I just want to let you know you have freedom in Christ'.  I've shared these stories with you in other posts and they just mean 'freedom from Christ's commands to obey His words...which is a lie.  This 'freedom' mindset is even infiltrating the groups who have left man made religion, seem like they might striving in the right direction for truth, yet the women rise up and overtake with feminism.  We've seen it in the garden of Eden and throughout all time, there's nothing new under the sun as Solomon said many times in Ecclesiastes.

I've been on both sides, freedom in feminism and (true) freedom in Christ.   What looks like bondage to the world (headcovered, biblically dressed, obedient / submissive, meek and quiet spirited woman) is truly freedom.

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:31-32

Freedom to be a feminist is a bondage to sin.  Of course it makes your feminine flesh feel good to do as you please but that's not pleasing to the Father and I question the transformation of a woman who practices that.  Freedom in Christ is freedom from that sin. Freedom from the bondage of the lusts of the flesh that overtake and consume women.  We are to obey God because He said so, not because we gain anything from it...but in being obedient we do gain peace and joy from being set free from who we used to be.  God gives a woman a deep peace when she lays down her life to find Him and allow herself to be conformed in the likeness of a godly woman.

Don't fall for the 'free sisters' mindset and stick to the word of God for your truth and holiness.  Satan uses every avenue he can to deceive people so be on guard and test / prove all things just as we know in 1 Thessalonians 5.  Nowhere does God's word say we simply take people at their testimony, Jesus said we will know people by their fruits, that means they should prove it by their works (of course people can deceive others by false works) that's why you wait for proof as you test their fruits.  If you wouldn't trust a strange man or woman walking into your home, don't trust a strange man or woman to speak into your life unless you test and prove them out first.

Hold fast sisters and rest assured that if we endure in the faith (this includes obedience) until the end, we have a place with the Father.

(Pic from a saint from afar.)

Have a joyous day.
Sister Deb

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