God's Creation...Snail, Scorpion and Beetle

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Praise God for His creation...today I share with you a few more creepy critters from the land.

Brother Jim found this snail under our big water trough that we use to catch rainwater to use for showers, washing and maybe someday, our garden.

The average life is 3-7 years but some in captivity have lived up to 15.  Their shell continues to grow throughout their life. They eat fungi, algae, plants and leaves.  Here's the underside:

Very unique!

This thing was crawling on my skirt one day and brother Jim was laughing at it, me not seeing it, until he pulled it off and showed me.

Beetles are not my favorite thing but they certainly are interesting.

Here is a reason why you don't bring a lot of wood into the house for the woodstove and instead bring in just what you need at a time:

There could be a dormant scorpion in a piece of wood, get warmed up in the winter by the stove and make a home inside your home when you're not looking.  I personally think they are really creeping looking but they are utterly fascinating the way they were created.  They have a stinger on their tail and usually only use it when they are pinned up against something and cannot get away.  

Those are just a few more of God's amazing creation for us to marvel at. 

Have a joyous day.
Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

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