I Can't Memorize Scripture Location

Greetings to our sisters in Christ!
I hope you are all doing well today and standing strong in the Word.  The Word of God that gives us life and how awesome that He has given it to us.  He came in the flesh and became the Word (John 1), how precious for us to know it.

This is just a quick post to encourage those of you who are like me, and have a hard time remembering where to find specific scripture verses in the bible.

Thy Word have I hidden in mine heart; that I might not sin against thee.
Psalm 119:11

Most of you probably know that when the letters were written and the accounts recorded through the inspiration of God to the men who wrote them down, there were no chapters and verses.  Those were added later as the books were compiled and although they are great reference, you will not go to hell if you can't memorize the locations of specific verses.  As Psalm 119:11 says, hide it in our hearts so we don't sin against God.

If all we knew were the precepts of God's word and never knew where to find them, we can walk and live a holy life, pleasing unto Him that we may know His perfect will. (Romans 1:2)  If that is what you do unto the Lord, praise God for that!

There is, however, a bonus to knowing where to find such scriptures if you want to show someone in the Word.  There's nothing wrong with using a phone, computer, notes, books with topic references etc if you cannot remember where to find them.  It's not 'how' you do it that counts.

As we see in God's word, 1 Corinthians 14, there are many gifts in the body. Brother Jim has a gift of street preaching, he can do it before thousands of people and can recite the locations of scripture verses even when he's really tired.  I, on the other hand, have times where I'm sharp in them and times that I cannot find them in my mind.  I used to spend more time trying to memorize where to find them, than immersing myself in them and allowing them to conform me. I used to have a super memory while in the business field and that helped me succeed but as I age and struggle through physical issues, my memory escapes me in specific details at times. I have accepted this and no longer waste my time in despair over it and am just thankful for the opportunity to do what I can do.

We know of many people who have memorized entire passages of the bible but their lives are not in line with it.  They can recite scriptures off the cuff in an instant but they are not transformed from them.  Many people are pride-filled on the massive memorized scriptures they have but they don't know how to apply them or be obedient to them.  They are just words without power to them.  Don't fall into the trap of comparing yourself to another sister who has been blessed with the gift to memorize verses and instead thank God for the gifts He has given you.  (2 Corinthians 10:12) Don't get so focused on where to find topics in God's Word, be focused on the scriptures themselves.  Don't be so focused for exact word memorization, hide the precepts in your heart.

If you know God's Word and you obey it, we praise you!  If you know from memory where to find scripture verses, we praise you!  If you know how to look up scriptures because you can't remember them, we praise you!  What counts is your life lived for Him in holiness and obedience because of your love for Him. Amen.

Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
Deuteronomy 11:18

I've been wanting to write on this for quite some time and I'm relieved that I did, hoping that it sets some of you free from that trap.  We are free in Christ to learn His word and hide it inside us, not in bondage to chapters and verses.  Do what you can and rejoice in that sisters.

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Love to all the saints worldwide,
Sister Deb

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