Once Again...God's Timing

Greetings sisters in Christ!
I pray you are having a joyous and victorious day in the Lord!  We are rejoicing about God's timing once again as we entered a town that we've been several times before.  There is a religious group in this town that looks more biblical but has much heresy and are sweeping people away with their lies.  Brother Jim tried for many years to reason with them and when they continued to reject repentance, he exposed them, to warn others.  Praise God, many people have been averted because of the testing and were not swept away in the false teachings.  So on to God's timing...when I look back on our day I see how the events lined up for this perfect meeting.

We stopped at a grocery store and when we came out, brother Jim was doing something at the back of the van as a young man drove up and commented on the gospel signs.  To keep a long story short, brother Jim uncovered that this man attends that religious body, but he was covering it up and lied about it. 

We are told to love God and love your neighbor as yourself and we do.  They are our neighbor and although they (men in their body) lie and tell stories about our motives, calling us hateful, we love them enough to come back again and again to their town to try to reach those who might be swept away  in that body and as we see at each visit, God's timing in how we meet up with them.  We pray this young man takes away what brother Jim has shared with him and compares it to scripture and what that group is teaching him and if he truly is looking for truth, he will see their heresies.  Reconciliation to Christ is our hope but oftentimes we see it as to their condemnation because most won't repent.  Either way, truth went out and God will be glorified.

I wanted to add that God uses us godly women even when we don't realize it at the time.  There were a few things I ended up having to do that delayed us and we ended up where we were at the right time for that young man to be driving by.  Praise our Father for His great works!

After we left, we were driving through town and saw these deer in a big fence in town.  

And a little further down the road, we saw these baby geese...

In this ministry there can be many trials battling false teaching and satan's lies, so it's refreshing to see a small glimpse of God's creation.  :-)  

I hope you are all striving in the Lord in your lives.  You will face many trials and also, hopefully, have joy and peace through it all as our Lord has promised.  

Strive on sisters and may you have peace in the Lord.

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...