Preaching on the Streets of Missouri

Greetings sisters in Christ!
Here's a quick post to share some street preaching brother Jim did while we were out holding gospel signs in Missouri.  We share all our street witnessing audios / videos on the discernment blog but I'm sure there are some of you who don't go there but only follow the sisters blog. These videos are strictly street preaching which is okay for me to share here with you.

The first is of us driving by some people peacefully protesting the George Floyd murder (which was a terrible thing) and they also are protesting the preaching.  Brother Jim used his PA speaker from the van as we drove by, praise God there were other people down the block that were listening also, smiling as we drove by.

Preaching on the streets....

I hope it's encouraging to you, knowing the Word is going out in a dark place, offering hope to any that have ears to hear. Let's see what happens tomorrow!

Love in Christ,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...