Precious Grandchildren

Greetings sisters in Christ!

The other day we took some time to catch up online ministry and had a beautiful spot to do so.

We have been blessed to spend time with some of our grandchildren (6 of them from 2 households) and thought I'd share a bit about it and maybe bring some smiles to you.  Their parents are not born again believers but some allow us to speak truth into the grandchildren's lives of which we are thankful. We took a walk with a couple of the girls and here you can listen to an audio of part of the conversation where we talked about God and His creation.

I brought some sewing supplies to teach them how to sew and I was surprised at how fast they caught on!

We made some simple purse bags:

I brought some flowers so they could learn to plant flowers and take care of them.

Then we strung some beads to add a bit of decor to the pots.

And we played a simple game of trying to toss the bag onto the markers around the yard and even the littlest one (2) enjoyed it.

We then found some baby birds hiding in a nest in the bushes...

They are pretty big actually, at least 3 of them jammed in that little nest.  It won't be long and they will be flying around.

After a busy day papa roasted some natural hot dogs over the fire...

And for dessert the children roasted some marshmallows... make s'mores.

For those of you who don't know what those are, they consist of a graham cracker with a piece of chocolate on it with a roasted marshmallow smashed in-between. (The name comes from two words put together 'can we have some more...s'more.) They are very messy but a campfire treat for children.   While they were roasting them the youngest granddaughter  asked me if I would help her do one of her own.  We went to the fire and looked up and yelled: 

"Thank you God.  Nana, I thanked God for me to cook marshmallows and sit on this soft grass and have you!"  
She then said "I said it loud because God is so big I don't know where He is and if He can hear me."  I had the opportunity to share with her how God is infinite and can see all things, even what she does when she's in her room.   Her eyes got really big then.   Sweet children.  She knows very little of our heavenly Father, only what we have been able to instill in her during the short periods of time we have but we pray the seeds are deep and she has faith of a child. 

We also had a wonderful time of witnessing to some of their parents, going very deep into the gospel, creation, the life of a Christian and the hope to come.  We pray those seeds were planted deep.

In all, it was a very refreshing time,we are blessed and look forward to seeing them all again, Lord willing.

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14

Have a joyous day.
Love and blessings, 
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...