The Hot Flame of Shame

Greetings sisters in Christ!  
We are rejoicing that we arrived at our destination for the evening, after an interesting morning with a great witnessing opportunity.  I'll recap it here for those of you who haven't seen it on the discernment blog.

The past couple days brother Jim and I have been talking about judging rightly.  (Not making quick judgments about people without knowing all the details.)  This following story is perfect timing, once again God does this, and we had a real life example of it being done, wrongly, to us.

We were parked for the night at a Walmart, like we usually do and in the morning the landscape men were working their way around the lot.  We moved our van to get out of their way and after a while they worked their way toward us so brother Jim moved us again as we were not ready to leave yet.

I needed to go refill one of our gallon water jugs so I started walking in the store and as I went across the parking lot I heard the landscape guy say 'They need to get a *&^% job instead of parking at Walmart all day long.'  I then heard the person with him say 'Maybe they are some of those that got laid off.'  (They were both sitting on a 4 wheeler driving around spraying weeds and they were pretty far away from me but for some reason the wind carried their voice right over to me.)

I told brother Jim about it and as we were leaving, we talked about how God's timing is perfect since we'd been discussing... judging rightly. As we were leaving we saw the landscape guy and a young boy (the one's who were talking about us) loading up and brother Jim drove over to talk to them.

You can listen to it here and I will explain more after.

I want to stress the fact that we don't normally tell what we do for others when we do good deeds.  The ONLY reason we are sharing this and you hear about the $10 is because brother Jim was making a point.  Can you figure out what his point was?

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.
Luke 6:27-28

Brother Jim wanted to make a godly impression on that young boy (about 12 yrs old)  and hopefully convict the man (who clearly looked ashamed) as well as share the gospel.  

I titled this the hot flame of shame because if you are like me, you've been caught in circumstances such as this in your past.  Talking about someone who you didn't think could hear, or they read an email you sent to someone else about them etc.  When confronted with it, it's like a hot flame shooting through you into your bowels....what shame! Let us always remember to make righteous judgments and use our words wisely.

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
Matthew 12:36

On the way out, we stopped by the beggar and brother Jim gave him a gospel card and checked to see if he needed any food.  He wasn't very friendly and wouldn't even look as we drove by and waved but that's okay, the hope is there for Him if he seeks it.

Once again our Father shows us His perfect timing.  Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Since we were talking about landcaping:

From a sisters rose garden across the world.

Peace and blessings to you,
Sister Deb

The biblical gospel...