The Last Person You'd Expect

Greetings sisters!
Praise God for not being partial as we all have the opportunity to come to Him in repentance.  While we were standing out with our signs and brother Jim preaching, I was holding out my hand (with gospel cards in it) to people passing by.  I stand off to the side so that if they want one, they have to walk over and get it, making an effort that shows they really wanted it and not just being guilted into taking it like a lot of street preachers do.  We don't do it to just see how many we can give away, we want people to actually want to take it and read it.  

One thing I noticed the past few days (in that very busy tourist town with tons of people walking by) was that the least expected people were the ones to come get a card.

There were people dressed very well to do and those terribly immodest.  Many looked successful and many looked hard core. Some were well polished and some very rough.  What I saw was that the terribly immodest, hard core, rough ones were those who were eager to take a card while most the rest passed by.  Goes to show us once again who Christ came for.  

I've shared how the past few times how the last people we thought were bringing us water.  

Yes, we have our own water, it gets nice and warm by the middle of the day but we're thankful for it, and it's not even the cold water people bring, it's the thought behind it.  It refreshes us that someone sees the goodness in preaching the Word, regardless of what they are doing with it, maybe conviction is setting in them because of it.  It's the kind act behind it that there is still love of the neighbor and although the world hates the message and messenger, there are some that still respect it.  It's also the fact that it seems as if our Father might use them to lift our spirits when all those people drive or walk by, ignoring (or mocking) His truth.  It's been happening quite often lately (this gift of water) that I've thought of God sending the raven to feed Elijah in 1 Kings 17. 

I was that 'least expected one' to be who I am today, brother Jim also.  I love to examine this because when I see the world passing by, I often wonder which of them, if any in that crowd, will be of Christ some day. 

The last person you'd expect to repent could be the first to do it.  Practice no partiality lest we overlook someone who is seeking while we work to 'save' someone we are focused on.  

While we were out, a man and wife were stopped at the stoplight and leaned out to ask me:
"What are the 2 greatest commands?"

I don't normally engage but this was a simple answer that I know brother Jim would say is okay to reply to so I said: 

"Love God and love your neighbor, which is what we are doing out here by preaching the gospel." 

I then asked if they wanted a gospel card but they didn't and drove off which is what I figured would happen based on their actions and question. Brother Jim's sign warns about tribulation and repenting so people think that's hatred whereas they would simply love others (fleshly) into hell.  

At one point a drunk guy came out to have a smoke, leaning up against the building, heckling brother Jim about the gospel, saying it's all about just believing.  It drew a crowd for a while but when they saw brother Jim was not going to entertain a mocker, they walked off and eventually he did to, but not after trying to engage me, which I refused as well.  We pray he repents, as do all the rest who thought it was funny or entertaining to try to go after the preacher.  Who knows who was in that crowd and was affected by it in a positive manner through conviction?

Another incident, a young man came over and told Jim that he shouldn't use fear-mongering on people.  Brother Jim was correcting him when a man walked up and started bad mouthing brother Jim.  Jim said he could get his own PA speaker and use the other corner if he wanted, the man didn't appreciate that and sarcastically left some words as he parted.  

You see the dichotomy of those in the very same crowd appreciating the Word and those who hate it, and we hope that those with the spark of appreciation, come out from among them and be set apart for God.

And the little children...
They walk by and stare.  Some smile and wave but they all listen and those old enough try to read the signs.  Sadly, most of the parents turn their heads away and scoot them right along but there are some that are allowed to stop and look, read, smile or wave.  They are more attuned to such things than those older than them. The little ones are very wise in many ways, more so than people give them credit for.  Our Father can use those little seeds they get and grow them as like the mustard tree:-)

Praise God, let His Word and Truth go out into a dark world into the ears of a lost sheep.  Let our lights shine to help those who are blind.  Stand strong in the word sisters, there are those coming up from behind that will see our example.

Have a joyous day tomorrow.
Love in Christ, peace and blessings,
Sister Deb

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